A Date?

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I had to go talk to Christian about a new investment I thought he might want to work on with me. It is an investment in helping children reach their potential. Well teens mostly. We would buy a building and hire staff to run the programs. What it would entail is educational programs for careers. Internships they could have and we could provide a wide base so targeted children could be part of it. All are welcome to sign up and they would chosen based on a variety of criteria. I haven't really thought about this until a teenage girl approached me to ask if my company had an internship problem. If so she wanted to apply for it. Apparently being female she's not taken seriously to become a construction worker. She was very serious so I asked her if she had any special skills to become a construction worker. She asked if she could show me that she can show me if we could set up a dummy area and I did. She could weld like no body else, rivet, mix concrete, so on so forth. I decided to give her an internship a paid one as long as her parents allowed it. They approved of it. That's when I realized that companies could benefit from having this kind of source and so could our future workers. I figured we could join forces and give children a head start on their futures by doing this.
It sounds good Elliott, we have an internship program in place here but for college students that pretty much know what they want to do career wise. I guess we can bring in HR and educational support along with my attorneys to see if it can be done. Security issues will need addressed as well. Because they will be around some sensitive materials here and they can't legally sign an NDA. We can work around that though. HR and the legal department will be very involved in all of this. So this novice female construction worker got you thinking this much about educating young people for the future. I like the idea of it, find us a safe building or create one. Talk with Barney and either Welch or Taylor about technology and security for this project okay. I have been trying to get you over here for lunch, Anastasia wants you to meet the new head of HR anyway.
Eve Santos GEH Head of HR
Mr Grey has called me to his office, I got this job after Anastasia told me I should apply for it after my boss tried to rape me at my old company. She also wanted me to become family by marrying her brother in law Elliott. I was hired immediately and her husband Christian Grey never knew Anastasia and I were becoming great friends. They have a daycare program that was another plus for me. I sued my boss and won, Carrick Grey won the case for me. He only asked for expenses if he won because I and friends with his daughter in law his favorite one at that. Anastasia is his only daughter in law. He also tried to get me to meet Elliott. I recall his ex was a blonde and looking at photos of Kate Kavanagh in her designer attire and perfect face and hair I can't measure up. I have twin boys Daniel and Thomas. My husband was killed by that sociopath Andre Fuller, he killed him for our car and his valuables. I never got his wedding ring back. He had to be cremated. CCTV footage caught just enough to ID his killer.
Eve Santos walks in and my mouth falls open. Christian picks up his phone and orders us all lunch. He calls daycare to bring up the Santos boys to his office. I watch as Christian opens a toy closet in his office. A small folding table and two chairs as well. His PA brings in kids drinks and small eating utensils and bibs. There is a knock and two small boys run to miss Santos. She hugs them and sits them at the small table. The food arrives moments later. She sets the food up for the boys and has them thank God for the food. We open up our food at the table next to the boys. Then Christian starts talking about my plan. He tells her to listen to my ideas on it. I start talking and can't stop. She like the idea.
I really see why Anastasia and Carrick want us to meet. Elliott is a great guy, I have heard a few stories about why he and Kate divorced, but it's all rumor mill. The boys have eaten and are getting sleepy. Christian calls for security to carry them to daycare. Elliott asks me all kinds of questions about my life and the boys father. I tell him I am a widow, no need to go into a big dramatic story about my husbands murder. We can't stop talking about his ideas.
You know he is excellent with children and would make a great father, he makes a great uncle our children all love him. Even Jessica lol.
I walk in to my dads office and ask him why I have three more CPOs?
What? You only have the female and male one. I get Taylor to come in to my office.
I see Jessica and think Ryan didn't alert her or her parents that we placed three extra security on her because of a threat we consider very serious.
I think I should get back to work now, before I could leave Elliott asks me to dinner to talk more. I look at him and he has a warmth in his eyes that I saw in my dead husbands eyes. I accept if he doesn't mind two boys joining us?
I laugh and tell her that would make my day, I love kids. Hers my numbers just call me and let me know time and day. Eve is petite with beautiful black hair and green eyes she has an olive complexion. Opposite of the type I go for, but there is something about her I am drawn to.

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