Mrs Simms

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Mrs Simms
We had to place Jacob Roberts, we asked Mrs Robertson if she would consider a troubled teen and she said she would try for a month.
Mrs Robertson
Jacob at first was a handful, but when I got three little toddlers he did all he could to help out with them. He was an only child and always wanted siblings. He started treated women and girls with the respect they gave him and me and Mrs Simms saw to it he was shown kindness. His attorney got him community service and he did a great job. He fed the homeless people for four hundred hours.
I told Mrs Robertson and Mrs Simms that I promised that I would never mistreat people like that again. I apologized to the girls that I had hurt and I am now seeing a psychiatrist. Dad tried to reach out along with Stephen Morton. I returned to sender. I want to have a good life with a wife and children. Mrs Robertson asked if I wanted to be adopted by her? I decided it would be an excellent idea. Dads rights to me were terminated and Mrs Simms got the adoption completed in time for me to get my drivers license. Mrs Robertson is a great foster parent.
Mrs Simms
Jacob was difficult at first, but he turned around and he found out it's easier to be kind that to be cruel. We got him in to see a psychiatrist and that helped him a great deal. He is still getting over the death of his mother and the fact his father wasn't who he said he thought he was. We worked on getting him community service and he did a great job and his grades are very good, he's no genius though. He still works for the homeless shelter when he can. Mrs Robertson says he is great with the children and they love him. When she asked to adopt him, I kind of cringed. But we got it done and he's happier with a change in last names now.
I have eyes and ears on Jacob at this point. Jessica has nightmares and is going to see a psychiatrist. We sadly missed this due to how overworked the foster care system is. She is my child no matter what. We have all mail monitored and have seen that Morton and Rogers have sent her mail and we returned it unopened.
Jessica is not the girl she used to be and it's so sad. I can't seem to get her to open up about anything. She plays with her siblings and has fun, but that light she used to have in her eyes is gone. We have people take her back and forth to school. The day we attended the funeral of her CPOs she was inconsolable. We had to excuse ourselves and leave. Christian made arrangements for their kids to have a college fund and trust funds. He made sure all their debts were paid and they got their pension and retirement funds immediately. Phillip was all Ryan had left in the world and he was killed by Rogers. Phillip left him everything he had. They had adopted a son and now Ryan is a single father. Justice was a single mother and had no living relatives. Gail and Taylor were their God parents. Carrick came forward to help them adopt them. Sophie was happy to have them as siblings. Her mother wasn't going to give her any siblings and her dad and Gail have tried without success. Life can turn on a dime and I have no doubt the news I have will make people happy and concerned at the same time. Apparently my birth control stopped working. Grace know we already.
I chuckled when Anastasia told me that she was pregnant. Her youngest is a year old now. Jessica is slowly getting better and now watches for anyone that looks ominous in her environment. Her friends parents were beside themselves and thought it would be best that they don't continue their friendship with Jessica Grey. I got her something she could have friends and be helpful at the same time. I mean playing with
younger siblings all the time,but she's in need of people her age. She comes over and visits teens in the ICU that have no visitors. It has brought her out of herself and given her a light at the end of the tunnel.
Anastasia just told me we are having a baby. I chucked and said another one isn't going to break the bank. Barney finally gave me some information about an attempted hack on all of GEH during the kidnapping. He said Jillian Lincoln called him and is now back in town, she gave him the location of a property that we finally found Rogers. Elena and Morton bought it so they could try to kidnap Jessica and get ransom for her and then kill her.
Christian seemed happy with a new baby. Now for dad to be told.
Anastasia just got off the phone and told me number six is on its way, she is pregnant. I tell her that Mia and Kate should start having babies as well.
I finally asked Mia to marry me. We have been living together for a while and we go everywhere together. It is the next step and I want her as my wife. My moms ring is burning a hole in my pocket.
I am trying to get over this stomach flu and can't. Tim is taking me out to dinner at our favorite place. Tim is an attorney and he works so hard and his office is growing by leaps and bounds. We live together and I am pretty happy with him.
We head up to the restaurant and are seated at a very nice table by the window for the view. We have a great meal and my favorite desert is served. They have covered it for some odd reason. He opens the lid and I see the ring on top of the ice cream. He takes it and gets on one knee and asks me to marry him. I said yes as he slides the ring on and it falls off my finger. It was way too big for my finger. It was his mother's. He forgot to size it. We both laugh and make plans to have it sized for me.
Three weeks later we elope. After all the troubles this family had with wedding we decided it would be safer to elope.

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