A New Life

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It is great being married to Elliott, we got pregnant six months later. Elliott was smiling from ear to ear and we celebrated by taking the boys out for ice cream. Elliott sure knows how to celebrate.
I am thrilled and ice cream sounds like a good way to celebrate our new baby. Mom will be thrilled that a new grand baby is in the way, Mia and Tim had their little girl a month ago, unfortunately she didn't live long. She had a heart defect that couldn't be repaired. The funeral was just beyond sad. Mia hasn't recovered and Tim has been very distraught about it all. What's worse is her three boys know their sister died and she was buried in the family plot. Now we have this news. Tim had gotten a vasectomy because they chose not to have any more children. He offered to have reversed but Mia said no to doing that. She didn't want to possibly lose another baby.
I was there when they pronounced my grand daughters death. They did everything they could possibly do. Elliott and Eve waited until she was showing to tell us she was having a baby. I guessed it was because of us losing Audrey Rose Kavanagh. Only Tim's family came to the funeral.
We finally tell the family about our being pregnant. Daniel and Thomas are excited about it. They of course want a brother. Elliott finds this funny. Mia tries to be happy about it. But it's still painful for her. Elliott of course doesn't laugh at the boys saying that in front their parents. After all the loss of the baby affected everyone in the family. Sometimes it's hard to know how to behave in front of grieving parents or family members. I know if I lose this baby Elliott and I will be heartbroken. Elliott is just trying to inch forward to gain some normalcy for us all. We will never forget the loss of the baby and shouldn't, but standing still is not good either. The boys need to see that. Elliott has a way to get them to laugh and that's good. Soon Mia and Tim will move forward. They will wake up and see a light at the end of the dar tunnel they have been going through. My husbands murder proved to me that. My boys and my boss thinking because I was a widow with three small boys that I would just allow his sexual assault. Wrong. That was the worse move he could make I won a big settlement from him and his company.I refused to sign an NDA and I can still out him if I need to. The day Anastasia told me to apply for the head of HR was the best day everything was so beautiful that day. Rainbows and birds chirping, it was like my dead husband was communicating that everything was going to be better. Christian hired me within the same interview. He never does that according to all my coworkers. I believe meeting Anastasia was the catalyst that got me to this day. I still miss my dead husband, but everything that happened brought me to where I am today and I couldn't be happier. The boys now have the Grey name added to their last name. Elliott was asked by the boys if they could take his last name. He didn't hesitate for one moment to say yes. So they were adopted by him. We had a family party on the day it became a reality.
I watch as a myriad of emotions go over Eves face and I know she is thinking about everything that brought us to this day. I have my huge errors, but Eve and I were meant to find one another. Even though my family had a hand in getting us together. She was the perfect HR candidate and everything lined up for it to happen. I have an inter who will be hired permanently when she's 18. I have a new policy that we hire women that are qualified and even train some. My men know where I stand on sexual harassment of any kind. I only needed to fire one guy to make my point. If you get fired by a Grey no one wants to hire you because no one risks losing a job at such a good employer. So you did something pretty bad. And Eve suffered because her boss figured that a widow would be so desperate for their job that they would have sex with them to keep her job. He lost that bet. I am glad she kneed him in the nuts and left to find a good attorney and and new job. She met Anastasia that day. Perfect timing.
I see the grief for Mia and I in everyone's eyes and I think we need to enjoy what we have left. Our boys see our grief and it's time to enjoy our lives again. I have decide to take us all to Disneyland we always have fun there. Elliott and Eve couldn't even announce their new baby, because they were concerned for our feelings. I love Mia and want to see her eyes light up again. So I am going to make it happen.
I am so sick of people walking on eggshells around me. Eve and Elliott felt like they couldn't enjoy their pregnancy. I have to start enjoying what I have and move to enjoy what's in front of us. Tim and I need a break and so do the boys. Disneyland here we come, no one can be sad there, it violates Disneyland laws. I smile and take Tim's hand and say let's go find our happy place. Buy Mickey and Minnie Mouse things. Ride the tea cup ride and the other cutesy rides. We will see wha rides we can get the boys on as well. Plenty of smiling photos. Eve is four months along, so they have kept this from us since they found out. It had to be around the time we lost our daughter.
I ask if Mia and Tim want to use the jet for a trip since school is out?
I think that would be nice and Mia says Disney here we come. I lean over and kiss her and say my thoughts entirely.
We kiss and I say Disney here we come, I got the good, no the great Kavanagh as my husband.

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