Crime Scene Investigators

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We have to move into the house with mom, dad, and my grandparents until they are through with my house. Jacob and his father have disappeared. CCTV show little to nothing with anything once Jacob entered the house it went off line. The only clue we have is Gail and Taylor's call. Jessica has to be frightened beyond belief. I can't figure out where Jessica's security is at. I ask Taylor to have someone check this out. He is still worrying over Gail. She has a concussion and is in the hospital. So is the cop. Jacob and the guy who looks like him.
Ryan , Ray and Welch along with the authorities are looking for them. The cop finally wakes up and tells me the older guy had a drivers license with his photo on it says my name and address along with my birthdate. We decide to release a statement saying someone is out there using my information and they are to be approached with caution. Jessica has been missing for two days. So have her teams. We sent her friends back home after they answered the polices questions.
I am so sick along with Christian. Anastasia is very upset and is trying to stay upbeat for the other children.
Dad is working his ass off. He has found the cargo van he suggest we place a tracker on it and follow it if it moves at all.they still don't have any idea where Jessica is. We hear breaking news on the tv. Two bodies were found near a local creek a man and a woman no identification was found.
I will go do the ID and make the call mr Grey.
Pay for all the funeral arrangements if it's them okay?
Yes sir. I head to the hospital morgue. I am distraught because I was dating Phillip Hightower and we were going to get married. Janice Howard was a single mother. I finally am allowed to do the ID and it's them. Whoever did this is highly trained. We missed something on Jacobs father. I call Barney and have him put alerts on all activity on Christian Grey's accounts all of them. He tells me he noticed something and already flagged it as fraudulent. I tell him to call mr Grey immediately. I call the families of the dead bodyguards.
I start digging deep and find something everyone missed because of the foster care system. Jacobs father is Jessica's uncle. Until she was adopted by Anastasia he had no idea she existed. Jacobs father is Stephen Morton's cousin and Randy Rogers only found out by getting a letter from Elena Lincoln. Morton and Rogers planned all of this out. We still can't get a read on Jessica's tracker. The ransom has not been asked for yet. I call Taylor and ask how Gail is doing.
She is doing fine, she wants to go home and be there when they find Jessica. I have more news for you someone is trying to get funds out of GEH. Barney stopped it as soon as it happened, but they are having attacks at different areas.
Have you talked to Jillian Lincoln lately?
I forgot all about her, I will have someone check in on her and now. Barney knows where she is right?
He should, he keeps his eyes and ears on her from time to time. We have to find her and fast, these people are killers.
Jillian Lincoln
I call Barney and tell him that I have to come to Seattle and I am arriving on a bus in about six hours and am disguised.
Randy Rogers
Jacob don't even think about it, that's your cousin. So keep your zipper closed.
How is she my cousin?
My sister and I were in foster care all our lives and never the same ones. Julie died from injuries after she gave birth to Jessica. Jessica is Christian Greys natural child. Elena Lincoln ran over Julie with her car. When she went on trial the truth came out about Julie being my sister.
Whats the plan dad? I got here and we have her now, what are we going to do now?
We get our share of Christian Greys money. He will pay to get Jessica back. Jillian hasn't gotten back to me yet. She was supposed to take down half of GEHs servers by this time. We have to switch vehicles now and feed and give Jessica some water.
How are we going to get the money and return her to her mom and dad?
We aren't, we can't risk it Jacob. We have to leave the country.
What about mom?
A casualty of the plan.
You killed my mom?
I did it humanely. She didn't die in pain.
I look at the monster who killed my mother and think I can't believe he is my father. I thought he was someone to look up to and he isn't. Mom was right about me treating girls badly, it's how he treats women. If I get out of this alive, I am changing completely. I have to get Jessica free of him as well. He has no conscious and doesn't care who he kills.
I feel someone taking off the tape from my mouth, I taste water and drink it quickly. Then food slowly fed to me. I have soiled my clothes by this time. I have no idea who is feeding me or anything. I have something in my ears to prevent me from hearing anything.
I pick up Jillian and we head to GEH security offices, I have her tell them everything she knows and none of knew that Elena and Morton had a place in Aspen. Now we know where it is and we have called and told Taylor and Ray where it is at.
I wait until dad falls asleep and quickly and quietly get Jessica to the van. I drive her back to her family and turn myself in. I give them directions on how to find my dad.
I laid down to sleep and I have been asleep for three hours, when I see bright lights coming through the closed blinds. I look around and I am all alone. Jacob left me here all by myself. He will pay for this.
They take me to my room to change and clean up. They need my soiled clothing for evidence, yuck. I am so happy to be home. Dad and mom are so relieved. I just want to be held tightly by everyone who loves me. I am so scared that it is not over. My CPOs were killed. I found out that Jacobs dad is my uncle and he is my cousin. His mother was killed by his father. Sadly he is now an orphan.

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