Hell Awaits

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I watch as the list of charges grow against me with every word that comes out of the prosecutors mouth. They found everything, but my money and jewelry. Jillian is on the witness list for the prosecution. What lead to the search warrant was the boy from the cabin had been found by a passerby and they called an ambulance. I am being charged with arranging the murder of Carrick, Ana, Christian and Jessica Grey. They also added murder charges, they found evidence that I had ran Julie Brown down. They searched my cabin and my salons thoroughly. They found everything and I mean everything. However they didn't find what I had on Christian and Carrick Grey.
I turned into a witness against Elena and she is going to testify against me and the others. They are going to charge me soon and work out a plea bargain. I see attorney Stone sitting in the gallery. I was told there was going to be a surprise witness against us and there he is in all his glory.
I was offered a good deal to testify against everyone who was involved. I will spend time in jail, but not here. Stephen Morton is glaring at me as I try to testify against him at last.
I am getting charges reduced, but not as much as I like. I watch as three people walk inside that looks like Ana, Christian and Jessica sit in the back of the court. I then hear them call a name I have never heard before and the girl that looks like Jessica Grey takes the stand. Her testimony was very bad for me. They call the Ana look alike and then 5he Christian look a like. They pretty much nail my butt to a cross and leave me there. There is no coming back from that. My attorney told me to get ready to live the rest of my life behind bars. I tell him if I do get life he will be my next victim.
I watch as the trial brings out more horrible things about Morton. Then Ana, Christian and Jessica finally testify against him. They have had to come forward under heavily armed guard. Only one of the Sluts was unaware of what her companions had been doing. She was paid to distract my boys and nothing else. She was threatened with bodily harm of her and her family if she didn't get them to Seattle. She showed photos of the injuries she sustained from her captors. The day they arrested all of them she had to be hospitalized and treated for them. I looked it up and her injuries were bad. He is going to serve a lot of time in prison here and then several murder charges are pending. He is also an escaped murderer from another state, I had to leave after that. I joined Ana, Christian and Jessica. Security was very tight. They were talking to the look a likes. I was introduced to them. Christian explained that they were on his staff. They were hired specifically to be their doubles. Taylor found them while they were dealing with Carla and found about the assassination plans. They hired a Carrick double as well. I am amazed I didn't notice the difference before. Up close you can see the differences but not from a few feet away.
Slut 1
I was very aware of what was going on and Morton was going to give me a piece of the action. So they charged me with helping plan the murder of three people. Now I will be serving a lot of prison time here in Seattle. The only one not going to prison is the one Morton beat up. He hurt her very badly and the policeman called an ambulance when he saw how badly she was injured. They found out the minivan was hers and there was a missing person report filed in Vegas when she didn't arrive home from work. Morton had threatened her and her families lives and pulled a gun on her. We knew she seemed very frightened, but none of knew Morton had done all that. We knew he had guns and could shoot them. But I hadn't known him well enough to know he would do all that. But if you plan a murder you could be capable of anything.
I have kept quiet while they try and find everyone guilty but one of the women who had tried to distract Elliott and Christian. The story she told could be easily verified and it had been and she pressed charges against Morton as well. They pretty much saw no reason to charge her with anything at all. I mean all she did was try to distract my sons. Granted she was paid for it, it wasn't a crime.
Ana, Jessica and I listened to only certain aspects of the trials. I couldn't allow Jessica to hear much of the trials. We would be able to read and listen to the person we had sit in the audience to hear the trials. Carla tried to play a victim and was soon caught in a lot of lies. They charged her with perjury as well. I think Bob was the only one not charged with perjury. Elena was trying to drag me into the trial as a character witness for her. We all had a big laugh at that.
I can't believe Elena actually asked Christian to be a character witness for her. Then wanted Carrick to testify and then Grace. I thought she would call me as well. She finally stopped trying to get a character witness.
I am taking notes for a story and the Grey family is allowing me to do it. They have to read it before it goes to print. My wedding is coming up soon. We found my dress in a tiny wedding chapel. Apparently even in Vegas men and women change their minds and just leave their attire never used. We got a nice tux as well. I got a 15000.00 dress for a thousand dollars. The veil and shoes were thrown in. So everything is in place and we are getting responses to our invitations.

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