The Media Goes Bezerk

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I can't believe the courtroom allowed news people to watch our divorce hearing and Elliotts attorneys were my cousin Tim and Carrick Grey. I was ripped to shreds, they showed all the photos of my affairs and they brought in a multitude of witnesses against me. They did live footage and I was awarded nothing at all. The judge actually awarded Elliott money from my trust fund to pay back the money he had spent on me. I tried to get to my car and was surrounded by media like I was shark bait. I couldn't get in my car. Now I miss my CPOs. I watch as the Greys are escorted to their vehicles and they drive away safely, I am the real story now. Donna Andrews never liked me to begin with and now she has footage and a by line all about me being a liar. Dad was pretty mad and he told me that he is being sued by the Greys, Steels and a few others.
I see the hoard of reporters surrounding Kate and I laugh and get into my truck. They want to rake her over the coals. Mom was there every step of the way. Kate was made to look like the lying scumbag she is. Her dad screwed and still screws every woman he can. Enid finally got rid of him and took him for more than half of his assets. Now she has her own business. I liked Enid and so did mom and dad. Mom and dad told me why they couldn't stand Eamon. Apparently he cornered mom in the kitchen and security caught him in the act as mom slapped him he tried to hit her back and he was taken off the grounds. I remember that day very well. Kate was very quiet about it on the way home. She knew what her dad had tried and didn't care about it at all.
Enid Kavanagh
When I found out that Elliott was suing Kate for divorce I filed for my own divorce. If he can end his marriage so can I. I want a quick one and I got it and everything I wanted out of it. Grace called me and we spoke at length. I tried to tell Elliott not to marry Kate, but he was blinded by his love for her. Well no neither Elliott or I am blinded by love any longer. I want a good man and I know one. He is a widow and we have became great friends. Grace has warned me of the media head my way. They told everything in the court room. New reporters and videos were were made. So it will be a good time to go to the Bahamas. I have my attorney get Eamon served and demand he sign the divorce papers or lose everything. I am sent the completed documents and they have been filed as completed. He had the divorce papers and hadn't signed them until now. We are finally divorced and I got everything I wanted out of it. I will be single in the Bahamas. I called my friend and invited him to go with me. He jumped at the chance. I might be older, but I keep very fit. Unlike Eamon.
Three days later Elliott is a free man and the judge made Kate pay him damages. My divorce is announced as well. I told Ethan he needs to straighten up or end up like his father and sister. I doubt he will listen to me or anyone. Grace called me and wished me a good future.
I saw both my mom and sisters divorce announced on the same page. I had no idea mom had filed for a divorce and was waiting for dad to sign the papers. I can't believe both on the same day though. Mom told me to get my life together or I will end up alone like Kate and my dad. I found out she's going to the Bahamas with a good friend of hers. I had a crush on Mia at one time, but Tim asked her out first and he won her heart and her hand in marriage. Mom liked her so much she gave my aunt their mother's ring to Tim's mom to give to her and tell her it was his moms ring. Tim didn't have much money to buy her a nice ring yet. He came clean though and she loved the ring even more. He caught me about to tell her the truth and blurted it out before I could. Mom got pretty mad at me when she heard I was using the ring story  to break them up. Grace found out and she doesn't invite me to anything.
Enid called me and told me she has a gift coming in the mail. It's for her nieces. We sent her photos of the girls. She is a good person, how she ended up with kids like Kate and Ethan is beyond me. So we include her in all the correspondence we send out with pictures of our treasure trio. Our babies are wonderful. Simone Anastasia Kavanagh, Rose Elizabeth Kavanagh and Lisa Enid Kavanagh. All have names of people we love. We love Grace and Lisa is her middle name.
Ethan is as bad as Kate in his underhanded capabilities. Tim told me he was trying to break us up and it was over the ring he asked me to marry him with. He realized what Ethan was trying to do at our engagement party and he told me the truth about the ring. It made the ring very precious to me. I am glad we just eloped, we were concerned someone would do something at our wedding like my siblings weddings. My parent's understood our reasoning.
I am glad that Kate is no longer my daughter in law. Elliott is happier and he joins us more often now. He loves his nephews and nieces. I saw Jacob recently at the hospital, he was visiting a child and reading him a book. I don't think he recognized me. He was talking to Mrs Simms about the child and that he found him hiding behind the dumpster by the homeless shelter. He coaxed him out and brought him here for treatment.
Mrs Simms
Jacob told me where he found the boy and he finally got him to trust him enough to bring him to the hospital. He called Mrs Robertson to let her know where he is at. I told him I would take over, but the boy imprinted on him already. I called Mrs Robertson and explained and she understood but to have him call if he has to stay here. I go find the dr in call and it is Dr Grey of all people.

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