Mia's Bundles Of Joy?

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Mom called me to let us know Mia is about to give birth. Anastasia and I decide to visit her once she has delivered.
Grace insisted we arrive before the baby is born. She wants to be in the room with Mia. I personally like the idea that they come out and tell us everything went great and there's a healthy newborn baby for us to go see in the nursery. Timothy begged not to be in the room, after going to the child birthing classes he promised Mia a trip to Paris to get out of it. Smart man.
Now I wished I hadn't made the Paris bargain. Tim got off easy. I should have asked for more. My labor is nothing like that short video conveyed. Never believe you are going to get the easy delivery. Anastasia was unconscious when she gave birth to her boys. But she had only two. My triplets are fighting for positions, so they had to manipulate them to allow for them to be born easier. Having three babies moved around so they come out head first was not mentioned in our classes. My screams could be heard clear down the hallway. Mom held me up on one side and a nurse on the other side, while the doctor was playing catch the baby. I half expected her to have a glove and an umpire outfit on when she got up and handed the babies to the nurses as she cut the cords. Three identical triplets. I looked at the girls confused, we were told they were all boys, boy did they get it wrong.
Mia we can exchange everything for the girls. She cries and tells me she took a long time choosing every little thing for their nursery.
Christian I thought they said these were Mias baby's they say girl Kavanagh on all three.
They made a mistake. I call Tim and then Elliott. We need to get the nursery changed to pink and frilly and fast. Mom knows what Mia will like, so we will have her buy everything with my credit card and send a crew over to change everything before Mia gets home.
I think this is a wonderful idea, I think Mia will just love it. I know exactly what she wanted if the baby's were girls. She wanted me to check out things that would be the safest for her children. Let's shop.
I sit and watch as Grace and Christian choose a nursery and it suddenly hits me this is my take charge husband. We did this very same thing for all our babies. I smile at another memory coming back. A very good one. I look up and see Elliott and Kate, suddenly thinks clicked into place. I recall Kates attempts at getting an interview and it made me mad. How could Elliott be so blinded by Kates manipulation. He is such a good man. I recall a call I overheard and suddenly it makes me want to hit her. She was telling someone that she never wanted children and had a laparoscopic tubal ligation before she married Elliott. She didn't notice me back out of the room. I have to tell someone, because Elliott wants kids and was very clear on this point. I look sadly at Elliott and Kate notices it.
I notice a sad look come over Anastasias face as she looks from Kate to Elliott. She must be thinking about the fact they can't seem to get pregnant, but her look at Kate looks more like anger towards her and sadness towards Elliott. Kate gives her a questioning look. I never want to meddle, but Kates been ducking any reproductive or adoption questions and her and Elliott have had some huge fights over it. We were out on Christians boat and I saw the lap scars and started to ask her about them, but she disappeared before I could question her about them. I was never happy about Elliott marrying Kate. He's a generous good hearted man and she takes advantage of that all the time. He used to have fun and now she seems to have him working all the time. Christian got him out on the track with him, Jessica and Ryan, Kate has no idea she thinks he is doing work for Christian. I need to talk to Anastasia about what she might have remembered. Because I know she and Kate have never been close and she doesn't seem the same with Kate as she is with the rest of the family. Usually she has excellent instincts about people. It's like she can see past the fake faces into the real person. Ray is like that as well. He has never liked Kate or Ethan for that matter. I wait until Kate is gone and I ask Anastasia to join me in my office. Christian and Elliott look concerned, I tell them it's a surprise for Mia.
Grace did see me angry at Kate. I think it's time to get this off my conscience. We arrive at her office and she offers me a seat. She grabs three small teddy bears for Mias girls for our cover story.
Okay tell me what you remembered, please for Elliotts sake.
I tell her about a phone call I overheard right before my accident. It was Kate talking to someone about her having a laparoscopic tubal ligation before her and Elliott got married.
I knew it, I saw the scars and she hid them from me, after that she wore one piece swim suits in front of the family. She knew I could tell the difference between the position of the scars and the type of surgery. Thanks for confirming it. I will handle this myself.
Elliott needs a good wife, that's not Kate. She has tried to interview me and I won't be manipulated by her. I guess memory loss doesn't stop my instincts from kicking in. I finally know Christian is my husband.
That's good to hear, we both chuckle. I am going to have a chat with Carrick and we will be getting Elliott out of this fraud if a marriage. I have had Kate followed and we have evidence of her cheating on Elliott. We had you followed as well, our guy told us you were a Girl Scout. You were where you said you were going to be and you could shoot him, but you didn't. He told us that most places were to meet Ray for self defense and target practice and the gym. Then you showed how nice you really were. You took what was left of your bank account and donated it to the homeless shelter.
You do know your guy joins us at the shooting range now.
He told us that he did and still does. He doesn't make friends easily. He told us we couldn't ask for better daughter in law. He is right.
Well let's bag the bears and get back to the family.
Three days later all hell breaks loose.
I head straight for the person I think ratted me out. It could only be one person. Anastasia. I am escorted into Anastasia office and she is typing away and looks at me oddly.
Ryan can you stay, I have a feeling you will be needed. Okay Kate get it off your chest.
I want to know why you think you have a right to tell someone that had my tubes tied?
So did you?
That none of your business, is it?
Hmm well as I recall you and Elliott wanted children and he married you believing you were already pregnant. Then you suddenly had a miscarriage that you didn't need to have a D and C for. Even Grace had questions regarding that. So let's be honest here Kate you can't stand children and don't want them right? Because you have never held any baby or kid that I have seen. If we are being honest here, I don't appreciate you using my memory loss as a way to get an interview hoping you would find out something disparaging. You are no longer welcome in my home.
Well how are you going to explain that to the family.
Well tonight you are going to be served with divorce papers and they have subpoenaed your medical records to prove you had a tubal ligation. Plus they have very colorful photos of you having sex with several men during your marriage. Well times up Kate, Ryan will escort you off the premises. Oh I recommend you rent a hotel room, because Elliott and a few friends have moved you out of his home. He owns that place and bought it long before he married your skanky ass. Now leave so I can have my home fumigated before the kids come home.
I smile as I escort Kate out to her car and watch as she speeds down and out of the gate, glad they anticipated her coming and opened the gate. I call Elliott and warn him of the coming of the shrew.

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