Whistling Christian

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GEH employees POV
Omg is the boss whistling in there? And he's been smiling, is he on drugs? He's been in a good mood since Monday morning. I thought their was a run in with Elena over the weekend? I saw where she was arrested for attempted kidnap of his brothers fiancé and her good friend. But I heard it said her friend was carrying a gun and after she found out the driver was in on it she suggested strongly that he loose Elena or lose his life. I guess a gun pointed at your head would definitely convince a person.
Hey guys let's not rehash that news item, Anastasia did great don't you think so? I might not like guns, but in this case it saved their lives. I think with Jessica I could use a gun toting wife to help protect her. Wait a wife, well she's pretty hot and Jessica loves her along with my whole family. I could picture her and I together.
Taylor POV
I think we have a winner in Anastasia. Gail thinks she's the one, whatever that means. And I like she carries a gun and knows when and where to pull it out.
Jessica pov
I like Anastasia and all, but now that she's getting closer to my dad, I am getting a bit jealous of the attention she's getting. But she also includes me in female stuff. Like this coming weekend we are headed for the New York fashion district to get a gown for a charity event I am included in and need to be sparkling for dad. I wanted Anastasia to come, but she says it's something for fathers and daughters to attend and it wouldn't be appropriate for her to attend it.
Grandma explained it better to me and I understand why now. I think Anastasia is pretty nice and my dad likes her and we like doing things with her. She's invited me to other things as well, she says Gail is very welcome as well as Mia. It's an all female thing at her place and I can invite school mates if the parents agree. Dad offered the apartment and Mia and Kate jumped at it, but Anastasia said only if he's okay with it. We have to clean up afterward though. She says good guests always leave it the way they found it.
Not sure what's going on in Christians head exposing his daughter to a gun toter. But she did save Kate's and her lives when the driver was in cahoots with Elena. Kate shoots too, she just doesn't carry. I guess Anastasia had no choice but to learn self defense and gun skills.
I think Anastasia is great and she's good with Jessica and Christian. Mom thinks it's too fast, I think he's wasting precious time.
I like Anastasia a lot, she's very money conscious and wears the basic attire, nothing flashy or expensive. She hates shopping, but will be dragged along with Jessica, but only spends money on Jessica. Jessica tried to sneak in an outfit for Anastasia but she said I can't accept gifts like that. I am not Christians wife, mother, sister or daughter hun so its inappropriate to spend that kind of money on a gift for me. See that's what I mean, she was raised correctly.
Jessica was asking what I thought about Anastasia and I said well she's a good person, but the gun toting is a bit off putting for me. I see she is not afraid to protect those she loves and cares about with her life. I give her that, but possibly taking a life so easily makes me worry about her nature. Jessica says she has never killed anything. She has shot to defend herself and only to impede violence towards a child, namely me. I gasp and recall Anastasia was the person who saved Jessica and at such a young age too. She just recently thwarted a kidnapping of herself and her friend, by threatening to kill the driver if he didn't drive faster to get away from Elena and a brunette. The other security got there trapping Elena and the brunette. The driver was terminated and they made it home unharmed. I think Christian needs more security to protect Jessica.
Okay I am so glad I had my gun with me, but luckily I scared the driver enough to do my bidding. The gun wasn't loaded, but starting to think I need to keep it loaded and ready around the Greys. They seem to attract attackers regularly. I have had to answer a lot of questions regarding what happened and Kate has answered a lot as well. She had no idea how serious the event was until the security and police let us know that Elena and the brunette had guns on them, loaded ones. Security trapped them inside the car. They had their guns pointed directly at the women and one arrested our driver.
I have a dinner planned for the whole family and Anastasia, it's the second time she's saved someone related to us in some way and I plan to reward her for it. I think a new car would be nice a bulletproof one lol. Since she's saved two of us I think she might be a good addition to my security staff as well as a girlfriend. Thinking of Anastasia is revving up my engines, I can't wait to give her the car, it's a preemptive car to use as protection as well.
I see a beautiful new car in the drive a very expensive one with a large bow on it. I wonder if Elliott bought me an engagement present? I say to Anastasia it's a great looking car isn't it? She says well it's nice to have if you are being shot at, Kate it's bulletproof. It has the bomb proofing it's the most expensive car here..

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