Chapter 34: Training and Kiba meets the Saiyans

Start from the beginning

MUI Goku and SSBE Vegeta are sparring with each other until You, Issei and Kiba appeared below them.

Y/n - Hey you guys! He shouted.

MUI Goku - Oh, Y/n what brings you here? He said as he and Vegeta descended down on the ground.

Y/n - I see. So you mastered your Ultra Instinct, Goku. I'm impressed.

MUI Goku - Thanks, Y/n.

SSBE Vegeta - Anyway, what brings you here, Y/n?

Y/n - I'm here train because I have a match with someone next week and Vegeta you successfully unlocked your new form, Super Saiyan Blue Evolution, am I correct?

SSBE Vegeta - Yeah.

Y/n - That's good to hear. Let's go guys. Issei and Vegeta, train Kiba just in case he fights. Come on, Goku, let's train.

MUI Goku - Got it.

And so, You and Goku ascended on the ground and began sparring.

Beneath Y/n and Goku

Kiba - Who, me? I will train?

Issei then placed his right hand on Kiba's right shoulder and said,

Issei - Yes you and don't worry we will make sure that you will become more powerful than ever.

Vegeta then reverts back to his base form and said,

Vegeta - You are correct, Issei. When you come back to your universe, you are now more powerful than before. In fact you can even surpass the Great Devils there.

Kiba - Really?

Issei - Yup. Now come and let's train.

Issei then activated his Sacred Gear while Vegeta transforms to his Super Saiyan form.

Kiba - You got it, Issei-kun and.....

Vegeta - Vegeta is my name.

Kiba - Right. *as he summons his holy-devil sword*

Super Saiyan Vegeta - First things first, I will teach you how to fly by using your ki.

Kiba - Ki?

Vegeta - Ki is the life force energy that a Saiyan has. Now watch.

Issei then started to ascend without his wings.

Kiba - Whoa! You can fly without wings?!

Issei - That's right. Vegeta also taught me how to fly by using Ki.

Super Saiyan Vegeta - Now close your eyes and began to imagine that you are flying without wings of course.

Kiba then sit down in angel sit position and began to meditate. After 20 minutes, he is now rising on the ground. Vegeta smiled on this and said,

Super Saiyan Vegeta - Now, open your eyes.

Kiba then opened his eyes and saw that he is now floating in the air.

Kiba - Whoa! I can now fly by using Ki!

Issei - That's great, Kiba! Now try to hover.

Kiba then tried to hover in a slow pace.

Issei - Nice. You're a fast learner aren't you Kiba?

Kiba - Thanks, Issei-kun.

Issei - Practice that and you can now fly without wings. By the way, you need to know this.

Kiba - What is it?

Issei - The purpose of our devil wings is that to make our flight faster than before. Now watch the difference.

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