Chapter 25

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In the morning, I had totally forgot where I was. I’d fallen asleep the couch, and I guess the rest of the boys did too, cause I was on the floor, Niall was also on the floor, Harry and Louis were crunched on the couch, and Zayn and Liam were not anywhere to be seen. 

I sat up, yawning and stretching my arms. I stood up, my legs and back hurting alot. Sleeping on the floor is not comfortable at all. 

“Morning.” I looked up, Lottie was pouring tea for herself, “Want a cup?” 

“Sure.” I walked over to her. She looked up at me, “How are you?” I asked. 

“Alright..I came home late last night, Toy Story was on, and Liam was fighting himself to stay awake. Zayn was on the kitchen table, I really dont know how the hell he got on there. So I told them to go sleep in my bed, and I slept in Lou’s room. So how are you?” we started laughing quietly. 

“Good good..Wheres Phoebe and Daisy?..And Fizzy?” 

“Twins are at my aunt’s, and Fiz is staying with a friend.” 

“And then you and Lou are staying here?” 

“No..Im sleeping at a friends too, I come for breakfast every morning though.” 

So Louis all alone then? I took a sip from my tea. “Mind if I take a quick shower here?” 

“No problem, there’s a shower just outside Lou’s room.” 

I smiled taking my tea with me. After freshening up, the rest of the boys were awake, and Louis was packing his bag. 

“What-Where are you going?” 

“Niall and Harry called the girls, and were going to Harry’s stepdad’s bungalow.” 

“And you expect me to come?” I asked. He stopped packing and looked up at me. 

“You want to come..Dont you?” 

“Obviously.” I smiled and opened his drawers, taking out boxers and a shirt. Slipping them on, I wrapped my hair in the towel, sitting on the bed and crossing my legs. I watched as he zipped up the luggage before picking it up off the bed, his muscles flexing. 

My eyes were drawn to his arms as he walked out the door. 

“Coming?” He asked, poking his head through the door. 

“Gotta get some pants..” I laughed. 

“Its hot out, just wear the boxers. Your luggage is already in the car.” And just like that, he sprinted down the stairs. I put the towel away and brushed my hair quickly with his brush. I could tell he used it alot from how worn out it was, and how soft his hair was, never in knots. 

Tying my hair in a quick bun, I walked down the stairs, skipping two at a time.  

“Woah!” I heard one of the boys yell, I tripped on the last step, but caught myself on the railing, Niall was watching me, holding a huge luggage and his guitar case in the other. I stood straight. “Well-that was kind of..Majestic.” He started laughing and I laughed too. I slipped on my flats and walked out the door. 

“Louis driving.” Harry made a scared face at me. I laughed even more and stepped into the front.

“Hey! I already called shotgun!” Harry yelled from the house. Zayn was helping Niall put luggages in the trunk.

“Too bad!” I turned on the radio, ‘Superman’ by Joe Brooks started. 

“Superman!” Louis shouted, opening the car door then slamming it closed. 

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