Chapter 23

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Julias POV

“Breaking news! Louis Tomlinson’s mother has been put under special care, find out why, in 1 minute!” 


She walked in, drying her hair with a towel, she obviously had recently got out of the shower. 

“What is so important that you need to scream at me about?” She asked.

“And here we have it folks! Louis Tomlinson, one of the boys from the band One Direction, who is, in fact, spreading around the world like wildfire, has fled home from an urgent call from the hospital, where his mother, Johanna Tomlinson, or Jay as her friends call her, has been put under special care because the cancer has spread.”

“Oh my god..” Kristen fell to her knees, her eyes filling with tears.

“Kristen-” I ran to her, holding her as she cried into my chest. 

“I-I need to call him.” She pleaded, “Louis.”

“I know, but we cant..Management-”

“MANAGEMENT CAN MIND THEIR OWN BUISNESS!” She screamed, jumping up and grabbing the phone, dialing his number. 


"Please." She looked at me, her eyes pleading to let her call. I shook my head, and she just rolled her eyes. She walked to her room, slamming the door as I heard the little clicking sound of lock locking. 

Kristen’s POV

“Hi, its Louis, and I cant come to the phone right now, but leave a message at the beep! Lots of love!”

I hung up the phone for the billionth time. Julia knocked at my door again. 

“Come on Kristen, you even said it yourself yesterday, its over! I hate it too, but the door.” 

I was quiet, and she sighed. 

“Fine-” She was interrupted by my phone ring. 

I opened the door, both of our faces in shock. Louis’ name and smiling face lit up on the screen.


I pressed the green button an slowly put it to my ear. 


“Kristen? Is everything alright? Youve called me more then 25 times-”

“Um..Yah..Sorry about that.” Tears filled my eyes as I hadnt heard his voice in 6 days, and it kind of drove me insane a little.. “Hows Jay?”

“Oh, um, fine. Its just press. She didnt really get special care, I just went home to visit her is all..” 

“Im..Im sorry about calling so many times..” I laughed slightly, a tear escaping my eye and falling fast down my cheek. 

“How are you doing? Are you ok?” 


“Thats good..” Then he was quiet, why was this conversation being so awkward?

“Listen, Lou, I miss you. A lot.”

“Oh god Kristen-” He sighed, and my heart dropped. He was probably just thinking ‘Why did I call her back? She knows we cant be together.’ He probably has gotten over me by now. Its over, right? Finished..But it still just..doesn’t feel like it. 

“What?” I replied, hoping he wouldn't say ‘You cant call anymore, we cant be together.’.

 “I miss you so much. Do you know how hard it is waking up every single morning and im not able to wrap my arms around you, accidentally wake you, but then when you realize your in my arms, we both fall back asleep, knowing that if the world ended right then, we wouldnt care. It was so peaceful, watching your chest rise and fall every night as you slowly fell asleep, the corners of your smiling lips slowly falling, and your eyes fluttering slightly to a complete stop, making non-expressionless face, and it told me you were asleep. Then, i’d just simply kiss your cheek. And-And one night, I guess you were still slightly awake, and once I kissed you, you wrapped your arms around my torso, our legs tangling together as my chest became your pillow. I held you in my arms, trying my best to not move. And then when we woke, the sun streaming slightly through the window, hitting your eyes, I found you were already awake, your beautiful hazel eyes staring into mine.”

“I remember that.” I said, crying so many tears with a huge smile spread across my face. 

“Do you remember what happened next?”

“Yah, slowly I smiled, and then I lifted myself up, kissing you, and you held me as I kissed you, and Lou?”


“I think that was the moment I relalized that I’d want to spend the rest of my life with you.”


“Mmmhmmyeslou?” My words mixed as I whispered. He was quiet, then suddenly there was a crashing sound. 

“Lou?” I yelled into the reciever, but he didnt reply. 


“MUM! NO!” I heard him scream. I was quiet now, tears filling my eyes again, but this time, it was all pain. 


“NO! IM NOT LEAVING MY MUM! LET-GO-OF-ME!” Louis was screaming, and I faintly heard a beeping monitor sound, and the sound of people’s shoes running around. 



an: sorry its so short, i literally just wrote it today!

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