Chapter 17

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After a little awkward slience, Niall suddenly asked me a question that caught me off guard.

"Do you think I'd have a chance with Kristen?"


"Yah yah I know..She and Lou are together and all but, if they werent they broke you think i'd have a chance?" 

"Yah.." I mutterted. The hurt in Nialls eyes suddenly dissapeaired and he grinned, looking down at the floor.

"Thank you Brianna..Anything else? I need to go take a shower."

"Yah, have you talked to Lou?"

"No..But Harry told me hes been cooped up in his room, not talking to anyone and just coming out to refill his cup of yorkshire tea.."

"oh..Well I should fo talk to Kristen now.. i'll catch you later ok?"

"Bye Bri. Have a good day!" he shut his door, his irish accent still ringing in my ears as I waited for the elvator.


Kristens POV

After the little encounter with Niall in the hallway, I went to my room and sunk down on my bed.

I rubbed my hands over my eyed. I was so confused and upset at that moment. I groaned and fell back on my bed, holding my teddy bear and cuddlig it tightly.

"Kris?" Brianna entered my room, and I barely glanced over at her.


"I was just talking with Niall.."

"What did he say to you?"

"He um..we talked about Liam..And Zayn.." I sat up as she sat on the end of my bed. I crossed my legs, my teddy bear still tight in my arms, "Can I ask you something?"


"Ok.. Liam is absoloutly amazing..But then theres Zayn..Who seems to be more perfect then I thought he was..But I just..I love Liam but I-"

"You love Zayn too?" 

She nodded her head. She looked upset now, and confused just the same as me.

"Dont be ashamed.." I assured her, "Zayn is coming back in a few says, then its the boys last concert..Then.. VACATION IN AUSTRALLIA!" I said the last part loudly and in an announcer voice. Me and Brianna laughed before she suddenly got serious again.

"Kristen? Have you even told the boys were going to Australlia?"

"Nope." I popped the 'P'.



"You need to go talk to Lou."


Louis POV

I looked up and down the hall. It was quiet. So I quickly slipped down the hall and into the kitchen. I turned the pot of water on and sighed as I took out a bag of yorkshire tea.

The front door suddenly slammed. "Lou? You here?" A girls voice asked.

"Kristen?" I whispered a little loudly.

"Lou?!" her voice suddenly got closer to the kitchen.

I jumped over the counter and went under the table, hiding behind some chairs.

"Louis?" I saw her bright blue trackpants and her coral pink painted toes.

My stomach turned. Why am I such a child? Hiding under here.. I was standing up, accidently miscounting where I would need to stand, and smashed my head on the table.

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