Chapter 1

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"Can everyone please sit down, we are about to take off." A blonde women said, her hair tied into a tight ponytail, her top too low, skirt to tight and heels to high.

Me? Hair in a frizzy messy bun, sweat pants, a pair of old flip flops and a ugly green sweater.

"Excuse me.."A guy said, sitting right next to me on the window seat.

"Oh sorry.." I mumbled, moving my legs awkwardly so he could pass.

He sighed once he sat down and smiled at me.

Uh oh. Hes really really cute. Not exaggerating AT ALL.

He had light blue eyes, nice tan skin, a breathtaking smile, and his hair, brown, was sticking up in all different directions. Damn he was cute.

"'Ello love, whats your name?" Oh no. He even has an accent. Thats what I get going on a plane to London. Hot guys with accents. Just perfect.

"Kristen." I smiled at him, and a hand suddenly flew out of nowhere and smacked him on the head. He flipped over and smiled at the person behind him. I giggled at his reaction. He was upset but laughing it off.

He looked back down at me.

"Im Louis. Sorry for the rude interruption. And can I just say you are the prettiest girl I have seen in Canada."

I blushed instantly.

"Your the cutest guy ive seen in my life." I blurted out, quickly slapping my hands to my face in embarrassment.

"Thanks." He smiled wider.

"Im so sorry...I..I didnt mean to weird you out or anything.."

"Actually, I get that alot..So its not weird anymore."

"Alot? Where have I been? Under a rock?"

He chuckled, "But you dont know who I am?"


His smile got wider. "Then this'll be fun." he leaned back on his chair, only to get his hair ruffled back by the guy behind him. He quickly flipped over again and I smiled.

I turned and could see through the little crack, a boy with forest green eyes, a cute smile (with dimples) and very curly brown hair.

The boy beside him was laughing hysterically. He too had blue eyes, brown and blonde messed up hair, but he sounded irish. Cute still.

"Lou!" a pair of eyes poked over the seat. They were dark brown, with light brown straight hair on top.

"Yes!" he turned back and smiled.

Another pair of eyes came up again. Darker brown eyes and black hair.

Why was it that cute guys were always friends? He looked back at me and rolled his eyes.

"Sorry about my friends Kristen.."

"Its alright.." I stared at him over my glasses. Oh yes. Forgot to say I have bad eyesight.

"So behind me, is Harry and Niall. Harrys the curly haired boy. Then infront, Liam and Zayn. Zayn has black hair...Still dont know who we are?"

"No...Am I suppose to?"

"No. It actually makes me like you even more."

I blushed again.

I looked over him and out the window to see we were already in the air.

"You live in London?"

"No..Canada. But I will be living in London very very soon. My friend, Brianna, got an apartment and me and my other friend, Julia, are moving in with her. Split the rent. But I need to just see the place first, figure out where everything goes.."

He nodded, listening to my story.

"And you? You live in London?"

"For now, yes. Me and Harry live in the same apartment meanwhile Niall, Liam and Zayn have their own. But we practically live at eachother houses. Never apart."

"Brianna has been living in London for almost 3 months now. Julia is already there but only for 1 more week. Then we go back home together then come back with our stuff."

"Know what building?"

"Hmm...It starts with a M I think.."

"Manna? Thats the short form. I cant pronounce the long word. Im not that intelligent." he said, whispering the last part and making me laugh.

"Yah..Manna something. Why?"

"Cause. We live in Manna."

"Well then. Im glad to have you as neighbours."


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-Kristen :)x

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