Chapter 10

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"You okay?" Harry asked as he wrapped his arms around me. I bit my lip at his question. Does he know?

"Yah..Why?" I replied, resting my head on his shoulder. I looked down at the ground, my heart beating rapidly.

"You seem nervous..I mean..Lip biting.. Looking down at the ground...You alright?"

I looked up at him instantly, stopped biting my lip, and nodded. "Fine."


Kristens POV

I felt a soft pair of lips kiss my cheek before a cold burst of air touched my half bare back.

"Lou?" I mumble groggily. Sitting up and rubbing my eyes. I see Lou at the door.

"Be right back okay?"

"Sure.." I lay back down, grabbing my glasses from the side table and shoving them onto me.

Ah. Now I can see. I got out of bed, brushed my teeth, and hair. Then took a quick shower before Louis was sitting on my bed in a pair of sweats and a hoodie. Smiling at him, he took a sip of his coffee he had on the side table.

"I got you a latte." he motioned to the other side table

"Thank you." I smiled, grabbing some clothes and changing in the washroom.

I sat on the bed beside him, putting my wet hair in a bun.

I took a sip of my latte and looked at Louis who was on my computer.

"Watcha doin?" I asked, cuddelimg close to him.

"Twitter." he replied, typing in a few things before looking pack at me, "Password?"

I quickly typed in a few letters and numbers before pressing enter.

 He clicked on my DM's. I had close to 1k followers just because I know the boys..And because of Lou and I.

'Hey Kristen, you and Lou are adorable together, love ya!'

'Hellllooooo!!! Kristen! You and Louis are cute..What about Niall? News gets around.'

'WHAT ABOUT NIALL!? I CANT BELIEVE THIS! You broke his heart!!!! How could you!?'

'Niall and you are better.'

'Without the boys you'd be nothing. You just got lucky.'

'You stupid!'- she didnt say stupid-' how could you break Niall's heart!? Your such a bee!'-and she didnt say bee either.

Tears were in my eyes. I looked up at Louis who instantly slammed the computer. 

He put it on the floor before wrapping his arms around me in a hug.

"Dont listen to them.."

"But I feel so bad.. I didnt want to hurt Niall." I suddenly felt horrible. Lou looked at me with such comcentration, it looked as though his head was about to blow up.

"You know..Go talk to him if you need to alright? Any funny business though and I will-" I nodded before smiling and kissing him.

"You can go back on the computer if you want to, I'll be back soon." 

Leaving the apartment, I took a deep breath before knocking on Niall's door.

"Its open..Depending on who it is?"

"Kristen." I grabbed the door knob, taking another deep breath before opening the door.

I gasped at the sight of Niall's apartment.

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