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When Molly finally stirred all of the events of the other day were a blur. She remembered shouting. Pain. Winnie crying but that was it. Doctors surrounded her and she started to panic. The doctors dispersed until only one was in the room.
After a few seconds the doctor spoke, "Hello, I am Dr. Gair. I am the head doctor here. You are in the hospital safe. You have had stitches for the cut in your stomach and you have severe bruising on your stomach as well. The police are desperate to talk to you but I have told them to wait. There is someone here to see you."
He turned around and moved out of the way. Molly could see Joe and her parents.

They came into the room cautiously. They all smiled when they saw Molly. The latter remained emotionless. She didn't know what to do. She had been trapped with a physco for over a year and no one had found her. She didn't blame them but she didn't know how to act. They came over and gave her a hug. Molly still remained silent. Still like a statue.
When Joe came over he tried to talk to her, "Hey babe."
No reply, "Molly. We are so glad you have been found. I'm so sorry."
Nothing, "Molly please. Say something." His voice was now begging .
Molly still didn't respond. Despair not them again. They just got Molly back but she was different. Unresponsive, this wasn't Molly. Molly was bubbly and bright. She loved everyone and wouldn't make enemies. Everyone loved Molly, she organised birthday parties for people in the village and get togethers for other occasions. This wasn't Molly. That wicked man had changed her.

After trying some more everyone left the room so Molly could be alone. A little while later the doctor came back in. When he came across Molly finally spoke, "Lyric, Olivia, Caitlyn where are they?" Her voice was coarse, panicked.
Dr. Gair quickly replied, "They are in other wards. Olivia and Lyric can come see you. Sadly Caitlyn is in a coma." Molly nodded. She wanted to see the people she now trusted the most more than anything. Dr. Gair nodded and left the room to get Olivia and Lyric.

Dr. Gair eventually came back in with Olivia and Lyric. The two girls rushed over to Molly's bedside.
"Molly we're so glad the police found you. When we were running I tripped and we called is last time for help and someone heard. The police then came and the first thing Lyric said was where you were. Did he hurt you? What did he do? Who is Winnie?" Olivia's words stumbled out.
Lyric stepped in, "Olivia breath. Molly, the police want to talk to us as soon as possible. I thought maybe we could talk to them before me and Olivia get discharged. We can stay in with you."
Molly nodded, "Ok if you two stay."

Lyric went and told the doctor that they were all going to talk to the police. After around 15 minutes she came back with two police officers.
The male police officer spoke up, "Hello Molly, I'm officer Lungren. This is officer Hadding." He pointed to the female officer beside him. They sat down on two chairs opposite Molly's bed. Lyric and Olivia sat on seats beside Molly.
Officer Hadding spoke up, "So to start off we would like to know how you were all kidnapped. Take your time."
Lyric spoke first, "I was out with my friends. He had came up to me and started flirting. When I told him no my friends laughed and walked off so I had to go with him. After a while I started feeling tired. From then he easily managed to take me to his van." The officers nodded. They jogged everything down accordingly.
Olivia went next, "My family had disowned me, for being. Gay. I was wandering the streets when he came over and grabbed me. He quickly injected me with something and I was out. I woke up in his house."
Finally Molly knew she had to speak, "I... I was making my way to my 18th birthday party." Thinking of it made her want to gag, "Someone tapped my shoulder, so I turned around. My village is very friendly so that was my first assumption. But it was him. He grabbed me and dragged me to his van. He on me Ted me with something when he got me to the van." Tears were rolling down her cheeks.

Officer Lungren nodded, "Ok thank you for telling us that. Now how long have you all been stuck there?"
Lyric answered, "I've Sen there around 2 years. Olivia arrived a month or two after me. Caitlyn 1 year and a half. Molly came just after Caitlyn. Caitlyn fell for him so quickly though."
Both of the officers nodded. Then they stood up and started to walk out.
Before leaving officer Lungren said, "Thank you girls. We'll be back another day."

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