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Back in Starling a mass search had started. After Molly hadn't turned up to her party the town was paralysed with fear. Molly's boyfriend Joe was leading the search. He was devastated when she disappeared. The whole village was shocked and terrified. People stopped talking to each other and kids stopped playing on the streets. Everyone stayed in their houses as much as possible. Disappointingly people didn't help with the search much. People would help but not as much as Joe had hoped.

Molly's mum, Kendall, was devastated. She hadn't spoke since it happened. She would just stare at the window hoping to see Molly. Dave, Molly's dad, was helping with the search as much as possible but he had to stay home a lot to comfort Kendall. The police were a huge help with the search but it had been 3 months and they were slowly giving up. It was up to Joe to find Molly and he was going to do whatever it took to get her home.

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