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The next morning when Molly woke up it was nearly time for lunch. Quickly she got dressed and rushed downstairs. In the living room the girls sat watching the news. To Molly's surprise Joe was on there, begging for her to come home. It was too much for Molly seeing him like that. His face was pale and gaunt looking. It scared her how much he had changed in a few months. She dubbed her belly softly, wishing that the baby was his. What would be say if she got out?

Olivia could see her getting upset so she went and tried to console her, "At least someone is looking for you. He kidnapped me from a homeless shelter. My parents had kicked me out a few months earlier. My mum always said I got in her way. By that she meant I stopped her reminding able to be a slur and have like 2 or 3 men in the house a day. She didn't want dad finding out, he spent all day at work."
Molly sighed, "I'm so sorry. Even if you don't have anyone we need to get out of here."
Olivia nodded, "Yeah I can't stand this. What if I have another baby that dies."
"That doesn't mean you should run away from the person that saved you from a life of pain." Caitlyn added.
"And just brought more pain. He does stuff that he thinks is right but no, it. is. wrong." Olivia replied.
"I think we should try. If we fail at least we aren't here not knowing if we could have escaped." Lyric whispered.
Caitlyn huffed, "Fine, let's try."

The girls put their heads together to come up with a plan on how to escape. They did that for the rest of the day, while working. When Mr. Willing got back food was ready. Pasta bake, it was amazing. Mr. Willing insisted on conversation, "So what did you girls do today?" He asked as if they could have went out to the park or the zoo.
"Nothing really. Just made some collars, cleaned, took care of Dolly and Woody." Lyric replied.
The rest of the girls nodded. He dropped conversation after that. There was something off with him though, Molly noticed. His eyes kept skipping around the room, like there was something to be on the lookout for. Molly just shrugged it off and continued eating.

When dinner was finished the girls all went upstairs to keep planning their escape. After a few long hours they had the skeleton of a good plan. Lyric was who he trusted the most, and there was no one looking for her. They were going to gain his trust enough that he would take Lyric on a shopping trip. She would then 'accidentally leave the door unlocked for the others to escape. They would go tell the police and Mr. Willing would get arrested before Lyric would get punished. It was a plan. Their plan. They now has a chance of escape. They just had to make sure if went through without a hitch.

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