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Molly was basically ready to burst now and it was getting hard to do her jobs. Lyric was struggling as well but she wasn't as big as Molly. Olivia and Caitlyn were doing their workload as well until their babies were born. In the evenings Molly and Lyric would sing for their babies. Doing things like that made them feel close to them. Their babies.

Outside the girls sat around with their feet dipped into the pool chatting.
"Do you think I'll have a girl or a boy?" Molly questioned.
"Oooh. Hmm I think you'll have a .... Boy." Lyric replied.
"No I think it will be a girl." Caitlyn opposed.
Olivia stayed silent. She couldn't stop thinking of Auburn. Her baby was dead and they were thinking about new babies.
"I know it hurts hun. He will pay for this." Molly comforted.
Olivia nodded. She knew it wasn't their fault. It was just painful.
After a while they all wandered back inside. The way they were acting made it seem like they didn't want to leave Mr. Willing, but they did. That was their one desire. Molly wanted a good life for her child. Olivia wanted to help people who have lost their babies in difficult for instances like her. Caitlyn wanted to feel free again. Lyric wanted a life for her baby and to be able to go back to school. They all wanted different things but all of their dreams came down to escaping. Back inside Molly went for a lie down and it didn't take her long to drift into sleep.

When Molly woke up she felt really uncomfortable. The bed she was sleeping on was wet. She looked around and no one was around. Her waters had broke. She tried to scream but all that came out was a weak yelp. Nobody would hear that. Her throat was too dry. She tried one more time. This time it wasn't as quiet. It was frisky but more noise came out than the last time. Lyric rushed in and came up to Molly's head.
"It's ok. It's fine. Everything will be ok. Breath. You'll be fine." Molly nodded as Lyric spoke calmly.
Olivia and Caitlyn rushed in not long after.
"It's ok it'll be over soon. Mr. Willing will want to come in and help when you have to push." Caitlyn said.
"It'll be fine though. Just keep breathing." Olivia encouraged.
After a few hours of contractions Molly was ready to push. Mr. Willing came in with a wicked from on his face. He grasped her hand and clenched it tightly. Molly breathed heavily. She wanted to keep her and her baby alive. Hours of pushing and it came to no avail. Her baby still hadn't came out. Mr. Willing was slowly starting to get scared. Was he going to lose his wife or new baby?

After another hour or pushing Molly heard a scream. Her baby was born. Lyric smiled from the door of the bed. Molly sighed as Lyric passed the baby up to her.
"It's a girl." Lyric smiled.
"My baby." Molly cooed , "You are my baby and I will always keep you safe."
Her babies eyes were glistening as they stated up at her. They were a sort blue with speckled grey patches. Her baby was beautiful. With soft, milky skin and an adorable button nose. Her few hairs were brown.
Mr. Willing came closer and whispered, "Keep this one alive or you'll end up with her."
Molly Buller trying to keep the bile down.
Caitlyn smiled, "What are you going to call her?"
Molly thought. Her daughter. Then it came to her.
"Winnie Harper James. My baby. I can see myself shouting Winnie Harper when she misbehaves. James is my last name."
"No no Winnie Harper Lewis. That is you last name now. My wife." Molly nodded. He was so cruel. Lewis was not her last name. It never would be. She was a James.
She stared down at her baby adoringly. Her baby. Winnie Harper James.
Hi. I've put one picture of what I think Winnie looks like on this update and I will add another in the next update.
What do you think of Winnie?
Thanks for anyone who is reading. Opinions would be greatly appreciated.

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