Day 23

22 7 8

Dear Diary,

We had this dodgy lady come in for Enterprise, and she spoke about how the charity she worked for helped victims of child and sexual abuse.

If only she knew...

The whole time she was talking, she spoke with a patronising tone as if to emphasise how easy it was to 'speak out' and 'get help'. I kept my head down almost the entire time and only met people's eyes when i was sure the subject of her presentation had switched to something less....personal. And less sensitive. I had to fight to keep my emotions under control and i had to bite my lip hard in order not to cry and scream at the world that NO it wasn't easy, it wasn't like how she described it at all. I hope no one noticed....i mean...what would they think? Would they feel sorry for me? Would they pity that 'abused depressed girl who self harms and starves herself'?

Gtg......I'm supposed to be eating breakfast....

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