Why I Hate Buses (by 13y old me)

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Before I get on, I always have my bus pass ready because I'm afraid that people will yell at me for taking too long to find it.

I always let everyone else on first, because then no one will be looking at me from behind.

When I touch my bus pass to the machine,I have to make sure I get it right first time because I'm already an embarrassment, I don't want to be more of one.

I have this fear that everyones secretly laughing and pointing at me while my back's turned.

Every whisper is a person saying how fat I am, how ugly I am, how much of a loser I am for sitting alone.

When I ring the bell, I always check to see if anyone's watching me do it, to see if i do it wrong.

I make sure to get off quietly and say my thank you in the correct tone because I'm scared that the people on the bus will make fun of my voice.

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