Day 21

23 8 2

Dear Diary,

At one point my dad even told me to pack up my bags and leave because i was such a burden on... well.... everyone. I thought he was right.. .and....i still do....and i thought that it was okay for him to act this way, because he was my father, therefore he had full control over me, and everything i did.

I accepted the bruises, the pain, and the bittersweet memories like when i was about 6, when my dad tried to hit me with a tennis racket, but my mum used her body to shield me from the harsh blow that could've injured, maybe even killed me.

When i was around 8 I had often looked at the numerous princess stickers and felt sad, because i knew i could never be like them,however hard i wished. I realised already that my life wasn't a fairytale with a happy ending, and wasn't ever going to have a happy ending, or even a somewhat decent ending at all.

My childish mind had already processed the fact that I was somehow, more mature than my friends but i couldn't tell them about my problems because they wouldn't understand.They were too busy playing with their Barbie Dolls, and too busy painting each other instead of putting the brightly coloured paint on the page at school

Feeling sh!tty as ever,
Amelie xx

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