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You know those dreams that you get where you are just falling

and falling

and falling

and falling

and falling........?

Until you wake up right before you get to the bottom of whatever it is you are falling on to

Sharp rocks at the bottom of a cliff

The damp, cold bottom of an empty well

A pit filled with gigantic tarantulas

Murky depths of a mysterious lake.......?

Of course you know.

You know the feeling you get when you are feeling so spaced out that you feel like you are falling

and falling

and falling

and falling

and falling................?

I thought not.

Its where you feel so travel sick that you dont even have the energy to say anything and all you're doing is falling

And falling

And falling

And falling

And falling.....

Into a deep abyss full of your worst fears, your worst nightmares. You hear the echos of every single hate comment, every snide remark,every hurtful word anyone has ever said. But worst of all, you hear every insult you've ever said to other people, intentional or not and all your mistakes come back to haunt you.

Sometimes they come one by one

Sometimes they come as a whole flock, like ravens and they circle you

And circle you

And circle you

And circle you.....

Until you feel so, so dizzy and you're begging for them to stop.

You're begging for it all to be over, for it all to end.
You're crying

And crying

And crying

And crying

You pray for this all to be a nightmare, a bad dream,but deep down you know the truth, you know that its all real.

Until you wake up.

poems from a lonely girlWhere stories live. Discover now