Part 5 of the Emails- Harmony's parents.

Start from the beginning

Sends a picture of him laying on his bed eat Jerky. His face has a big smile on it. His short blonde hair spiked up a bit. He is shirtless and he has a few tattoo's.

June 10th 2017 Montana,


So you asked about my parents and what happened. I am going to tell you but I am going to send this to Brian first so he can add to it being as I don't remember it all. I am sitting in our bed with the bottle of Jack. I don't have to be up tomorrow morning at least till noon. So perfect night to write this.

So my parents and I were heading home from Brian's parents home after having dinner with them, he was there too. Walked me to the car. Held my hand. I think it was the beginning of something but anyways. His mom made an amazing meal. You have to try her Chicken Alfredo with broccoli. I fed the broccoli to Brian. They all laughed. They knew I was not going to eat it and his mom was not offended by it. She made us brownies for dessert. I use her recipe at the bakery. So we lived outside of town a bit about forty five minutes away from Brain's parents house. All back roads. I am going to tell you what I remember then finish with what I was told.

I had taken off my shoes and my coat was just around me cause I wanted to be comfortable. I fell asleep and only came to when my mom screamed and then we hit a tree and started sliding backwards towards water. I was able to get out. I remember the SUV hitting the water. The lights still on but only for a few seconds maybe. I thought my parents would be would getting out too but they didn't. I tried to call for help but I had no service. I text-ed Brian but it said it did not got threw so I dropped my phone and went into the water to try to get my parents but I could not. I could not feel anything and it was cold so cold. I screamed for help, and begged and cried. I don't know how long I was there but I heard the voice of an angel. Brian had found me that's where I loose touch with everything.

I don't remember much after that other then a few vague things. I remember one hospital visit. I remember Brian punching his father Ken. I remember Momma C dressing me for there funerals. I remember Brian begging me to come back to him. I remember him feeding me sorta. There more like pictures in my brain if that makes any sense. I do remember I guess it was about a month after all and I was in the shower with Brian. He was washing my hair and I remember looking up at him. Really looking, not just like haze but it was all clear. I kissed him. He was surprised to say the least. I started crying and talking to him. He just let me. Heard it all. We were in there for a good hour. I love on demand hot water. Amazing shit there. He held me and then wrapped me in a towel and we went into his room. I grabbed one of his shirts off the floor and put it on. It began my obsession. I laid down and he got in behind me and just held me. Tight. I don't remember a night mare that night. Hell I have only had a few when I am in his arms. The problem is he is away a lot. I fought the guilt for a long time that I could have done something to get to them. That I could have saved them. I no longer think that. I know that what happened happened for a reason. I think it happened so Brian and I would end up together. My parents loved him. Like he was there son. My dad always told me I should end up with good man like him. A man that would love me forever. My heart tells me that both my parents knew Brian and I were it for each other. So yeah the nightmares. They come. I do my best. Its the same thing over and over. There the worst when I am stressed. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Cal this is where I am going to take over.

I got a text about half hour after they left from Harm. Just the word Help. I tried to call her over and over but nothing. Same for her parents. So I got in my truck and went looking for them knowing the cell service in the mountains is shoddy at best. I seen some tracks that went off the road and decided to investigate. The roads were a sheet of ice. They were bad in a section of drive home. I got out my flash light and started down the bank. I seen her there calf deep in the water staring off into the distance. Her hair was wet, her dress plastered to her body. She was shaking. I called to her but she did not seem to respond. She did turn around and I could see that her lips were blue. I got scared. She started pointing at the water and yelling at me to save them. I did not see the vehicle but I knew it was in there. The tracks told me so. I made it to the edge of water and Grabbed her and made her come with me. There was no way I could carry her up the hill. It took a bit to get to my truck and by that time I was stuck. I got her into and was able to find us something warm to wear. Thank god I was a slob back then and kept extra shit form just not bringing it into the house in the back seat. She was out of it. Like she would look in my direction but threw me not at me. She would answer one word answers but that's what I got. My cell was not working and I knew it was a long walk to get help so we spent the night in my truck. My mom in made me a thermos of coffee to take with and I made her drink some. I woke up to knock on the window and an offer to pull me out. She was curled up in my lap, an old blanket covering us. So the guy pulled us out and once I explained things he used his cb radio to get the message out. An hour later a sheriff showed up along with an ambulance. He went down the embankment and came back up saying he was calling a tow truck and team to get the vehicle out along with what we assumed were her parents. Harmony allowed the EMT to check her out but when they wanted her to sit on the gurney she started screaming and would not let go of me. So I sat down with her in my lap and they took us to the er. When we got there they sedated her in order to get a cat scan. I was there when she came to or sorta came to. She had nothing but a few bumps and bruises. Along with cuts on her hands and feet.

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