Part 4 of the emails, Truth or Dare.

Start from the beginning

                                                                                                      Your other Marine.


P.s. If you want to play. I take dare. I wonder what kind of stuff you can come up with. A little scared but I can take it. Bring it baker barbie.

Sends a picture of a puppy, maybe 12 weeks old with large paws. Kinda shaggy and long haired. A simple collar around his neck. His ears bent. Tongue hanging out. Paw up.

June 3rd Montana,


So Brian told you about our game. You are aware that it can get a little umm sexual. So do you want to play with game with the three of us or just us having a game? Either way I am sending a dare and I expect picture proof. Brutis is cute. If no one takes him I'll ask Brian. We need a dog or two for the lake. Your sound like your going to be a perfect husband and father. Who ever gets the honor to call you husband and baby daddy is going one lucky woman. You sound a lot like Brian in the things you said. He is going to be a great husband to me and even better daddy to our kids. There going to have him wrapped around there finger from birth. Its hard for me to imagine it all. Thank you for double checking Brian's gear. It does make me feel better to know that. I will be heading to billings for some stuff in a few days. Will add your granola bars and candy for the kids to the list. Also will pick up some more protein bars. Brian likes a certain brand. He says they don't taste like ass. Have no clue how he knows what ass tastes like. Must have been another chick. Not me.

This week its just going to be between you and I but once Brian gets back we can add him into it if you still want to after you see what kind of stuff we come up with. I dare you to go into Brian's bag. The outer pocket holds something black. I dare you to put it on and send me a picture. I take dare.

                                                                                                Your ohh so Daring pal.

                                                                                                     Harmony Ann

P.s. Have fun with that one. I'm waiting Marine number two.

Sends a picture of herself licking a lemon cupcake

June 3rd. Iraq


I guess you do have balls. Having me wear a pare of your thongs. Hope you enjoy the picture baby girl. I will say I felt like a perv wearing them but there sexy. Hope Brian is not too mad. I did put them back after I ate his last two slim Jims. Maybe sending a bunch of them would be a great Idea. I am aware you and Brain do the truth or dare thing as a sorta of foreplay but I know you two will go easy in me. At least I thought you would. You play for keeps. That cupcake looks amazing. Wish you could send me some but doubt the frosting would do well. Anyways I want to send your dare. I dare you check the mail in a pair of boy shorts and a bikini top. I take truth next time. I don't want my nuts cut off. I do like them. Hugs.

                                                                                              Your thong wearing pal.


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