Undead!Romano x Human!America

Start from the beginning

Francis looked at the setting sun and frowned. "It's getting dark, we should find shelter."

"Yeah." Mathew agreed. "...Alfred?"

Alfred wiped away his tears. "I'm fine, Mattie. Let's go."

(An hour later...)

They camped out in an abandoned hotel. Well, at least they thought it was abandoned.

After dark, a flood of zombies came in.

Now, the FACE family was trying to escape, they ran up the stairs, taking out zombies that got too close.

Lovino had been following this mindless herd of zombies for a couple days now, he was about to leave, but then he saw him.

A beautiful live man with gorgeous dirty blonde hair with a cute cowlick and determined sky-blue eyes covered by thick framed glasses.

He was holding a gun... taking out the monsters.

Sure, Lovi was one, but he hated being a zombie and regarded himself as a monster.

Lovino slowly walked up the staircase, pushing other zombies off and letting them fall to the ground. Finally, there he was. In front of his angel (not that he'd ever admit he called Alfie that).

(Alfred's POV)

Alfred stared. Mesmerized.

Sure, this man was covered in blood and tattered skin, heck, he was even missing an eye! But still, that dark brown hair and sun kissed skin... that beautiful hazel eye filled with so many emotions... he was perfect.

"You... aren't going to kill me?" Alfred said warily.

Lovino shook his head.

"I... can you... talk?"

"Yes, I can talk, idiota." Lovino snapped at him, making Alfred chuckle.

"I like you." He said, making them both turn red.

"Attitude! I meant I like your attitude!" He screeched, making Matthew run to him and see Lovino.

He gasped. "Alfred!" He pulled out his pistol.

"No! Mattie! Stop!" Alfred screamed.

"I'm not going to kill you!" Lovino yelled in frustration.

Matthew frowned. "You're smart for a zombie..."

Alfred tied a rope around Lovino's neck making him yell in protest, but he didn't lay a finger on the American.

"Matthew, please, can we keep him? I promise I'll keep him under control."

"I'm not a pet!" Lovi screeched.

Matthew was obviously not convinced.

Lovino sighed. "If I loose control... I'll give you a warning, then, you can kill me."

Matthew glared at them both. "Check with father and papa." He said coldly, turning and escaping from the new wave of zombies.

Alfred took Lovino's hand. "Come on, dude, let's go!"

(Three days later...)

Everyone hated Lovino. Everyone but Alfred.

Alfred and Lovino grew closer each passing second and not once did Lovino show any signs of loosing control.

Until today.

Alfred was walking, a loose hold on Lovino's rope, when suddenly, the Italian stopped.

Alfred looked at him in surprise. "Lovi? Dude?"

Lovino looked up, tears pouring from his eye. "A-alfred, I think I lone you. Ti amo, idiota."

Alfred stared at him in shock.

"I-I know you don't feel the same way, but-"

"Lovino Vargas, I love you more than anything in this life." He said seriously.

"... R-really?"

"Yeah." Alfred smiled. For the first time since this stupid apocalypse started, he smiled.

Arthur and Francis walked over to them cautiously.

Tears were still pouring from Lovino's eyes, his hunger was torturous.

"A-alfred! I'm loosing it!" Lovino screamed.

Alfred shook his head rapidly. "No, please Lovi, stay with me!" He yelled desperately.

"I can't!" He sobbed. "Kill me! Please!"

Alfred looked over expectantly at Arthur, who already had his gun pointed at Lovino's head.

"Arthur... don't-"


Arthur sighed sadly, looking at his son. "I'm sorry, Alfred."


It seemed like it happened in slow motion.

Lovina's angelic form fell limply to the ground, his eye lifeless.

"No..." Alfred whimpered.

"I'm sorry." Arthur whispered. 


He was met with silence. Dead silence.

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