Chapter 14

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The next morning, I rolled myself out of bed, excited for the afternoon's rehearsal. I quickly put on some jeans, a random shirt and Zack's jacket, and headed downstairs. My phone buzzed as I ate my cereal at the table with mom.

Zack🤩: hey im sorry, im not feeling too great im not going in today. do you still need a ride?

Mads😊: oh feel better! don't worry about it, I'll ask my momma! I'll stop by later:)

Jordyn🥀: hey girlie universal just called and scheduled a mandatory rehearsal, so I won't be at school today

Maddie♥️: Okay! Have funnnn

"Momma, do you mind driving me in? Zack is sick so he's not going in today, and Jordyn has a last minute rehearsal." I asked her as I put my bowl away.

"Not at all." She scooped up her keys and we were on our way.

Everyone seemed missing from school today. Zack, Brianna, Hadley, and Jordyn were all out for different reasons, so lunch consisted of me Riley and Nick- something I didn't mind. We talked about them for awhile, school, the basics, and then Nick excused himself to go talk to the basketball team. Riley sighed excitedly and waited until he was out of earshot.

"Oh good, I thought he was never gonna leave!" We both laughed and she got quiet. "Girl, I miss you. How has being back home been?" Riley turned towards me and I shrugged. I thought about the crazy week I had, even the past few months have been a rollercoaster.

"I've had a weird transition, but I'm okay." I gave her a smile and Nick walked over and kissed Riley's head and placed his hands on her shoulders.

"Okay, so while I love catching up with my favorite girls,"

"Since day one." I interjected and smiled at Nick. He stepped away from Riley and wrapped his arms around me in a bear hug.

"Yes, favorite girls since day one! But I have to go." He kissed Riley's cheek and she pouted.

"Why do you have to leave? It's school! We're trapped! You have to stay! It's not my choice, it's the rules." She locked eyes with her boyfriend and clung to his hand. Nick laughed and kneeled down to her level, kissing her hand.

"Coach wants to talk to us. I'll see you after school, I love you." He quickly kissed her lips  and a smile spread across her face.

"Okay. Have fun." Nick stood up and I waved goodbye as he left the cafeteria with the rest of the team.

"You two are so cute." I smiled as I ate a fry.

"Not as cute as you and Zack." She poked my knee and I rolled my eyes. "What's going on with that?" She asked me seriously.

"Honestly, I don't know. I like him, a lot. At least I think I do. He just makes my heart so happy, and everything is always so light and fun with him. It just feels right when I'm with him. Like it's where I'm supposed to be. I just, I just don't know if I feel this way because I needed an out with Travis, or if it's because I really do like him, or a mix of both?" I confessed to Riley and she nodded slowly.

"Does he know this?"

"Yeah, some of it. He knows I'm not ready to date and he's being great about it, but I think part of it is that I can't do that to Travis."

"Fuck Travis. It's your life, and he's not apart of it anymore." Riley stole and fry and shrugged.
I glanced over at Travis' table and bit the inside of my cheek, as we made eye contact. I could see him starting to stand up and I turned my focus back to Riley.

Not The Same  (sequel to "Abby Ultimate Dance Competition: Season of Love")Where stories live. Discover now