Chapter 22

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The week flew by, and by Friday I was finally piecing together our costumes. My mom texted me during sixth period that a package came for me, just in time too. I would've had to show up to Zack's empty handed, meaning I failed two of three jobs. I sat at my desk in economics, doodling little flowers all over my notebook, disregarding my notes, too excited for the party tonight. I missed out on a typical high school experience, and while I loved going to Joffery, the school scene wasn't the same. The bell rang and I gathered my stuff into my bag, before heading out the door. 

"I'll see you at the party tonight Madison." someone said while my head was down, and I pretended to acknowledge them. I realized I left my phone on my desk and ran back in. 

"So, you're having a party tonight?" I heard Travis's voice behind me and I exhaled deeply out of my nose. It had been weeks since I had talked to him, and we didn't exactly have a pleasant final conversation. 

"No, I'm not having one. Zack is throwing one, and I'll be there. A bunch of us will, but I'm not hosting one, no." I started to ramble and he nodded.

"How's your dance thing going?" He made awkward conversation and I started to walk out the door. 

"Uh, pretty good. It's in about a month, so we're getting close, but I'm excited." I forced a smile and he kept following me to my next class. "What's up with you?" 

"Not much, just doing school and stuff." He walked behind me, silently. I scanned the hallway, looking for someone I knew, but no luck. I walked into my Spanish class, thankfully to see Zack sitting in our usual seats. Travis stood in front of the door awkwardly. "So, do you want like hang out this weekend, or something?" I saw Zack looking back at me, confused and I darted my eyes between the two of them, showing him I was uncomfortable. 

"I don't think I can this weekend, sorry." I smiled and squeezed by him into the class. Zack moved his bag off my desk and gave me a weird look as I sighed sitting next to him.

"What was that about?"

"Travis heard you were having a party, asked me if I was throwing it, then awkwardly followed me here and asked if I wanted to hang out this weekend. I told him no, but like, very awkward."  I half laughed and Zack slowly nodded.  I needed to change the subject, I could feel it. "The costume supplies came in, and they're perfect!" The smile on my face made one come to his. 

"Do I finally get to know what they are?" He raised his eyebrows and I shook my head no, with a big smile. "You tease."

"After school, I'll bring by a bag with your costume in it, and then I'll see you at seven!" I scrunched my nose and he made a pouting face.

"At seven? That's so late!"

"The party starts at eight though, fool!" I laughed and class begun. 

From Zack: Care to explain the red suspenders and fireman's hat? What are you going to be? Are we just firemen? That was your perfect idea?

I laughed to myself as I slipped on my headband with dog ears on it. I looked in the mirror, to see my full Dalmatian costume. My white mini dress with black speckles all over it, red high tops, and an oversized ripped jean jacket. With Zack as a fireman, it was a perfect last minute couples costume. I walked into the hallway to find Kyle grabbing a pillowcase from the linen closet, dressed in all black. "What are you going as? And why are you grabbing a pillow case?" I questioned him.

"I'm a robber. The pillow case is my candy bag, but it'll look like a money bag." He explained and I rolled my eyes at his lame costume idea. "You're literally wearing clothes you already had in your closet and some dog ears. Don't even." He pushed past me and I scoffed, trying to hide my laughter. He was entirely correct, but I looked cute, so who cares? I made my way downstairs and saw mom wearing her staple cat ears and dad in his "This is my costume" t-shirt, sitting the kitchen table.

Not The Same  (sequel to "Abby Ultimate Dance Competition: Season of Love")Where stories live. Discover now