"That's what should happen" he replied "But I want to hang out again. How 'bout it?"

My stomache filled with nervous butterflies and chewing the inside of my mouth seemed the only way I could concentrate. Should I agree?

"i did have a really nice time tonight" I hesitated

"Good, so why not do it again? Did your bad day get any better?"

I nodded. Truth was, tonight did make me forget my depressed mood and it did make me feel better.

"i don't know..."

"Come on" he coaxed "I'll make it worthwhile and you'll forget all that stress he's caused you"

My attention immediately turned on full alert, "I never told you I was was streesed. or who caused it"

"you didn't have to tell me" he recovered "I could tell it was a guy. I have a sister so I could tell these things apart"

"Oh. i guess that makes sense"I couldn't help but notice that an unmaed expression passed through his eyes, bnut I dismissed it when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

"I have to go. It was really nice hanging out today"

"So will you let me take you out again?"


"I'm sorry, you said what?!?!" 

"I said i'd hang out with him again" We were currently in the kitchen preparing breaded chicken and mashed potaatoes with green beans for dinner. It's been a few days since the dinner with Kyle and I had agreed to hang out with him again. He'd given me his number and we'd been texting since.

"You don't get it do you?" Sophia scolded as she rolled the chicken in the bread crumb mix "he asked you creepy questions that are so not normal on a friendly dinner date, let alone a first date and yet you still want to hang out with him?"

I sighed and flipped over the chicken pieces in the frying pan "I don't see anything wrong with him. You guys are just overreactung he hasn't caused any harm or "shown any potential threat"  I air quoted her words from earlier.

"I don't know what i'm going to do with you. I'm sorry but i'm with Blake on this, I don't think you should hang out with Kyle this weekened for you're own good."

I set the finishing breaded chicken on a palte and slam the plate hard on the table ao that it makes a loud noise, "I can hang out with him if I want to I don't know why you guys are so hung over on Kyle likee he's planning the next world war. Theree is nothing wrong with him and if you guys can't see that then it's your problem" 

I turned off the stove, removed my apron -which she insisted I wear- and excused myself "I have to get ready for dinner" going up the stairs and slamming the door harshly.



How do I get her to understand? She is completely ignorant of the situation that's at stake. If only I could tell her the truth. 

I hated lying to Coral, but orders were orders and I would immedietely lose my job if I spilled anything, even if it was the truth that she would hate me for not telling her. 

For now all I could do was try and persuade her out of going out wiht him. For my cousin and her safety


Dinner was unusually quiet. Of course Blake had n't bothered to eat with us and took his dinner upstairs. The rest of the guys seemed to have picked up on my avoiding Sophia and didn't dare utter a noise from their parrot mouths.

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