(Amethyst) "I see a tower built out of my mistakes,

and it all comes crashing down."

At that moment, a very large pillar fell behind Steven and I, making us jump in surprise. The hub shut down, and Sardonyx landed, un-fusing back to Pearl and Garnet, Amethyst watched, looking upset:

(Amethyst) "Is there something I can do?

Is there something I can do-oo?

Is there something I can do?

Can I make it up to you?"

I glanced at Steven and said, "We need to do something." He nodded in agreement. Just then, his face lit up and he whispered, "Met me at my house later this evening. I got an idea."

-Time skip!-

I was sitting on the edge of the moon pool in my mom's room. My feet were in the water, slowly kicking. Tonight was going to be a new moon, so I wouldn't be able to see it. Most of the time I would be sad by this, but tonight, it's helpful for when I need to sneak over to Steven's. Steven wanted to help Amethyst, and I thought it would be better to go with him to help her. I was just waiting now for Circo to sleep so I could sneak out without any noises.

Once I was sure that everything was quiet, I sneaked out of mom's room, and stood at the top of the hill. I summoned my wings and soared towards Steven's house, being as quiet as possible. The night air was amazing, and it would've been better with the moon out. But again, without it, I was able to get to Steven's without being noticed. I landed softly at the steps of Steven's house, just as Steven and Amethyst stepped out, ion following behind them.

"You ready to to help Amethyst?" he asked. I nodded, and Amethyst looked confused. Before she could ask, Steven climbed on Lion and motioned for Amethyst to follow. She sighed and climbed up as well. "You coming?" Steven asked.

"I'll ride along with Astra," I explained. "She likes late night flying." Steven nodded and Lion started walking away, getting some space before making the jump. I rushed over to Astra, who had poked her head from under the porch upon hearing my footsteps.

"Hey girl, want to go for a flight?" I asked. She quickly got up and came out from under the porch. I glanced behind her and noticed Sora wasn't there. Guess he was having a late night flight too. I climbed on Astra's back and soon enough, we went through the portal and met up with Steven, Lion, and Amethyst at the Hub.

"So....what are you two up too?" Amethyst asked, as Lion and Astra started chasing one of Sardonyx's wild dragonflies.

"Peridot's been back here twice. So the odds are good she'll come back again, right? Bam!" Steven explained, punching his fist into the palm of his hand. "That's when we'll get her!"

Amethyst smiled and said, " Yeah, bam!" Both her and I made the same gesture, getting excited about this plan.

"Garnet will be so impressed!" I said to Amethyst. She grinned and said, "And then she'll think I'm cool again!"

We sat behind some rocks, Steven having brought a telescope to keep an eye out for Peridot. I didn't mention to Steven, but if Peridot was coming, then we would also be dealing with the other gem. She seemed pretty smart and tough, but I didn't want to fight her. After the last incident where she hurt me, I still saw the fear and terror in her eyes. She's scared but doesn't want to admit it. Is that the same way with Peridot?

Hours passed and no sign of Peridot or the other gem. Steven had at several points thought he saw them, but turned out to either be a cactus or a rock. Amethyst sighed and said, "I don't think she's coming. Uh, what are you doing?"

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