Catching Up

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Hey guys! We're back with the Crystal Gems, Steve, Luna and Circo with another awesome chapter! Wonder what's happening with them. Let's check in! :D

-Luna's POV-

"Thanks guy for helping me out with all of this," Sour Cream said, as Steven, Circo, Amos and I walked out of the garage. Steven was holding a box, Circo had a bunch of cords wrapped around his arms, and Amos and I had the keyboard and keyboard stand. We all placed the stuff in the cart and Steven said, "No problem! I've always wanted to be a roadie. Whether they're lifting the heaviest equipment, fighting off crazy fans, or just offering moral support. Roadies work behind the scenes to make all magic onstage possible."

I giggled, "He only needed help with the lifting and moving, Steven. But I guess we can do that too if he needs it." Sour Cream nodded and took the box from Steven. He dropped it a little but managed to put the box in the cart. As Circo, Amos and I placed the stuff we had in the cart, Yellow Tail, Sour Cream's stepdad, walked up the drive way. He saw the cart and dropped his briefcase, which had fish sticking out and water leaking from it. "Maa! Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma," Yellow Tail said.

Sour Cream sighed and said, "No, I can't be back before 10:00. I'm doing a show tonight, Yellow tail."

"Ma-ma-ma! Ma-ma-ma-ma, ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma!"

"It is too a viable career! 80 percent of Germans make their living Deejay'ing! Why can't you just accept that I don't want to be a fishermen like you?" With that, Sour Cream walked away and down the sidewalk. The four of us looked around awkwardly before saying good-bye to Yellow Tail. Steven and Circo pushed the cart as Amos and I walked next to Sour Cream. Amos coughed and asked, "You okay, dude?"

"Yeah. I just can't deal with my stepdad on my case all the time. Why would I want to bring home fish when I can bring home sick beats? If he has to "Ma ma ma" so much about it, he doesn't have to come," Sour Cream said. We walked up towards the Car Wash and we stopped when Sour Cream stopped.

"Ugh. All that arguing messed up my stomach," Sour Cream said. "I'm gonna go use the bathroom."

Sour Cream ran off inside the car wash, and Mr. Greg ran outside, holding a hose and sponge. "Wait! don't leave! waxing is free!" He shouted. But then he saw our group and smiled, "Oh, hey guys. What's up?"

"We're just helping Sour Cream get this stuff down to the warehouse," Circo said, patting the handle of the cart. Greg smiled and said, "Oh, like a roadie, huh?"

Steven nodded, "Yeah! W-what about you?"

Greg shrugged his shoulders, "Same old same old. Sorry I couldn't have you work today, Amos. Maybe next time?" Amos smiled and said, "It's fine. My mom likes it when I'm not working; gives her more time for us to catch up and hang out."

I smiled a little and noticed a large yellow-green bus turning the corner. It pulled up right in front of the car wash and stopped, steam blowing out from the bottom. Our group coughed as Greg stared up at the bus. "Look at the size of that thing!" He said. He held the hose and sponge up and said, "Okay guys, don't say anything about the free waxing."

Two men got off the bus. One was wearing yellow, high topped shoes, with wings on them. He wore dark grey pants, along with a green shirt with the capital letter 'G' on it. He wore a gold chain around his neck, a brown leather jacket, and a pair of gold square sunglasses. He was balding and had silver gray hair. The second man had short dark hair, and was wearing a white T-shirt. He had on a pair of black sunglasses and was wearing a pair of blue jeans, with flip flops. My heart stopped when I saw the second man. I quickly grabbed Amos' hand and said, "Amos, if I faint, I need you to catch me."

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