Unexpected Help

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Hey guys! So we finally get to find out who saved Luna and what happened. So let's get right to it! :D

-Luna's POV-

'Am I dead?'

That was my first thought as I started to return back from being unconscious. If I was dead, then why was everything so dark? And why do I feel warm? Is death an eternal void with the only feeling being warmth? I then realized my eyes were still closed. That would explain a lot.

I opened my eyes and was surprised that I actually wasn't dead. I was very much alive, but where the hey was I? I wasn't back in the cave nor was I back at Steven's house. This place was new to me.

I looked around and saw that had been sleeping on a green couch with pink flower designs on it. The floor was shaggy carpet with a yellow and pink triangle design carpet. The ceiling was popcorn design with a ceiling fan with flower shaped lights. Above the couch was a long shelf where I suspected books were. At the foot of the couch, was a coffee table with various items on it and above that were two photo frames. Beyond that was a large window that looked outside. Beyond the window, I could see a street and other townhouses. I turned around and looked behind me.

The couch I was on was next to a doorway which led into the dining room. Next to the door way, across from me, was a piano, with several picture frames on it. Next to that was a staircase and another doorway into a kitchen. I looked back at the picture frames and my heart stopped. In those picture frames was Connie's family and Amos' family.

"I'M AT CONNIE'S HOUSE?!" I practically screamed. I slapped my hand over my mouth, worried that somebody may hear me. But, after a minute or two of being quiet, nothing happened. I glanced outside the window and saw that neither Amos' motorcycle or Connie's mom's car was here. So did that mean I was home alone?

As soon as I thought this though, I saw a motorcycle pull up against the curb. I recognize that two people on the bike, them being Connie and Amos. Connie has bags of groceries in her hands and Amos was helping her. Then they started up the walkway to the door.

I quickly laid my head back on the couch pillow and closed my eyes, pretending to sleep. I heard the lock turn in the front door and heard it opening. I heard footsteps and I could hear Connie talking to Amos.

"She's still unconscious? Maybe I should ask mom if she can take a look at her," Connie said, heading towards the kitchen. I heard her footsteps stop and heard her said, "You coming to help Amos?"

"Yeah," he said. "I'm just going to check on Luna for a second."

I felt my heart stop and face heat up. 'Oh no,' I thought. I heard a pair of footsteps slowly make their way over to me and stop just in front of me. I felt my face grow warmer as I could feel Amos' presence right in front of me. I could feel him staring at me. Did he know I was awake?

My question was soon answered. "Luna, I know your awake; you snore when your asleep."

I felt the blush deepen and I slowly opened my eyes to meet Amos' dark ones. He smiled and said, "Welcome back to the land of the living, little miss red face."

I grabbed a couch pillow and threw it at him. He caught it, laughing. "Yep, your awake," he said, just as Connie walked into the room.

"You didn't wake her up, did you?" Connie said, glaring at Amos.

"No, I was awake," I said, sitting up on the couch. I felt my head grow heavy and I held it in my hands. It felt like I had a bowling ball in my head instead of my brain.

"You have a cold," Amos pointed out. "And it's a good thing that's all you have after nearly drowning."

"What.....happened after I passed out?" I said, looking at Connie and Amos.

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