Corrupted Gems

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Hey guys! So we finally get to the second half of this episode. Wonder how it's going to turn out. Let's find out! :D

-Luna's POV-

"That was fun," I said, removing the rain and mud off of me. I would need to take a shower at some point because the mud had dried and, though I got most of the water off, the dirt was still. As I finished removing the water from myself, Steven was staring at Onyx, asking, "So your with Peridot?"

"I was assigned to protect Peridot on the....mission," she said, glancing at Peridot. Peridot wasn't paying attention though. She was pacing in front of the door, as if debating on what to do or say at the moment to either Steven or I. I looked at Onyx and noticed that she was still dripping wet. She even had mud on her from when we had our mud fight.

"Uh, I can remove the water from you if you want," I asked, raising my hand to remove the water. But Onyx grabbed my wrist and said, "I'd rather be infected with gem corruption then ever let you assist me."

I immediately pulled my hand away from her and dropped my hand to my side. Steven looked at me nervously and I rubbed my arm and glanced at Peridot, who had stopped pacing and was looking at Onyx with a hard look. Onyx stared back at Peridot with an even stare and finally, Peridot looked away and at Steven and I. "Steven, Luna," Peridot said, sighing. "I'm going to say something."

"Okay?" I said, rubbing my wrist, feeling the ghost of Onyx's hand. Peridot took a deep breath and closed her eyes, before saying, "Thank you."

Onyx looked at Peridot, shocked. I smiled at Peridot and Steven asked, "What for?"

"For explaining this, 'Rain' business to me." And Peridot actually smiled at Steven and I. I couldn't help but smile back, saying, "No problem, Peridot."

"Yes, you two are much more intelligent creatures than I initially thought."

"That's....good?" I said, glancing at Steven. He shrugged his shoulders and I looked at Onyx, who still seemed to be in shock about his whole ordeal. "Yes, much more useful than those... clods," Peridot said. She then took another deep breath and shouted, "STEVEN! LUNA! I've made up my mind."

"On what?" Steven asked.

"I've decided to share some... information with you!"

"Peridot," Onyx growled, looking really mad. I raised an eyebrow at her. Why was she so upset? Steven smiled and said, "Aww, I know you use my tooth brush."

Peridot looked startled and Onyx raised an eyebrow at her. "N-no... Well.. yes, but it's about the Cluster," Peridot said, stuttering.

Steven and I gasped and Onyx shouted at Peridot, "Your not allowed to share that type of information with these hybrids!"

"What choice do we have?" Peridot shouted back. "This miserable planet is going to be destroyed soon and we need all the help we can get!"

"You seriously can't be expecting these hybrids to have an idea of what to do, do you?"

"You can tell the crystal gems," I said, trying to help. But Peridot scowled, saying, "No! I don't want to talk to them! You're the only two I need! I can show you now, but I have nothing! My arm attachments, my fingers, my screen, my log, it's all gooone! But all of my logs up to date 6 5 2 still exist, backed up in Facet Five of the prime kindergarten."

"You want us to take you to the kindergarten?" Steven asked, nervously. "I don't know."

"Don't you guys want to know about the Cluster?" Peridot asked.

"Which you shouldn't even know about in the first place," Onyx muttered. Peridot glared at her for a second before turning back to us with wagered eyes. I glanced at Steven, who smiled and nodded.

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