Beneath the Surface

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Hey guys! So we finally get to find out Circo's ENTIRE past story. His story is really sad, and so is Luna's, but he's had it much harder then both Steven and Luna combined. But then again, we don't know Luna's complete backstory yet. Even I don't know and I'm an author. XD Some of these characters just unfold without me realizing what just happen. Anyway, here's the new chapter! :D

-Luna's POV-

I was focusing on the pool of water in my mother's room. I had an idea that maybe I could contact Lapis by water, since her and I could use water.If she's by a surface of water, maybe I could at least see her and know she's safe. I focused on the water, having the image of Lapis in my mind. Just as I think it's working, the water only ripples and remains still.

I moaned and sat on the ground. Nothing. everything I've tried hasn't worked. I haven't seen Lapis in my dreams, the gems won't tell me anything about home world since Peridot's sudden appearance here on earth. I sighed and brought my knees to my chest. It's been an entire season since Lapis left. Winter is over and spring has just arrived. I bet if she was here she would love the seasons. I felt tears build up in my eyes and I wiped them away, frustrated.

"Maybe there's something around my mom's room?" I mumbled, getting up. Although I already knew the answer. I've looked through my mom's room completely. There's nothing in here that would help me. Then i noticed the stairs in my mom's bedroom. What about Circo's mom's room? I haven't checked there yet. I know I wasn't suppose to be looking around. But I'm desperate to find answer to contact Lapis.

I went up the stairs and moved the stone, poking my head up to look around. "Hello? Circo?" I yelled. there was no response so I climbed up the rest of the stairs. Circo's room/ his mom's room looked the same. I started looking around, checking under the bed and looking at the things on the bookshelf. I picked up a book and just as I opened it, something fell out of it. It was a square piece of paper, and I picked it up. But before I could look at it, i heard footsteps. I placed the book back on the bookshelf and quickly went down the stairs, silently moving the stone back into place.

I walked down the stairs and quickly out of my mom's room. I went out of the cave, towards the temple where Steven was at. As I walked, I looked at the piece of paper. It felt smooth like a picture, and it was white on one side. I flipped it over and was surprised. It was a photo, but it wasn't of Circo. Instead, it was of a small girl, maybe four or five. She was wearing a white Sunday dress, although it had some mud stains on it. Her hair was golden yellow but it was messy from mud. Her eyes were sky blue and, although it looked like she had been rolling around it mud, she had the biggest grin on her face, as if the greatest thing had just happen.

"Who is this?" I mumbled, as I reached the beach house. I put the picture in my pocket, saving it for later to figure out. I walked inside the house in time to see the gems return. In there hands, were a bunch of the robot spheres we found at the galaxy warp. Steven and I walked over, taking a closer look at the robots.

"Why did you bring those back?" I asked, confused.

"We can't have them reactivating and fixing the Home world Warp," Pearl explained. At that moment, the door behind us burst open and we all turned. We saw a very distraught Circo, gasping for air. "Everything okay?" Pearl asked.

"I just...lost something. Hopefully I'll find it later," he said, not looking at anybody. I had a feeling it was the picture of the little girl, but I'll ask him later. "Hey guys!" amethyst said. "check this out!"

The robot she had in her hands she adjusted and pushed hard with her hands. She kept pushing until it popped, sending blue goo everywhere. It splashed in my face and I made a sound of disgust. "I can't see!" I panicked moving my arms around, trying to find something to wipe my face.

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