A Feathery Duo

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 Hey guys! So I thought for a while what the animals should be, because if Steven gets his own animal companion, why not Circo and Luna? I thought at first that the animals should be different but I thought it would be easier if the animal were the same but just two different ones. Anyway, I'm sure you figured it out by the picture. If not, then you'll know in the story. Here's the new chapter!!! :D

-Luna's POV-

"Luna, your not doing it right!" Circo shouted.

"Like you know how to hold my mom's bow!" I yelled back, teasing. While Steven and Amethyst were "watching" the gem, Circo and i decided to practice using our weapons. That is, until Circo started getting annoyed by too many of my loose arrows. He stopped and decided to help by placing targets and telling me the "proper" way to hold a bow.

"Try again!" he shouted from the distance. I sighed, and summoned another arrow. I placed on the string, pulling it back. I faced the bow down towards the sand, and looked at what my target was this time. It was a piece of drift wood with a seaweed target in the middle. I lifted my bow and was about to shoot, but Circo said, "WAIT!"

I loudly sighed as he ran over. "What?" I said, irritated.

"First off, when you hold a bow you have to hold it up so that your arm is straight," he said. He placed his hands under my left elbow and on my right shoulder. The areas where he touched suddenly grew warmer. Was that because of him?

"Second, you need to lower your left shoulder a little," he continued, pressing soft against my shoulder to relax it. My right shoulder started to heat up; yep, it has to be from him. He placed his chin on my shoulder so he could see my line of sight. It felt like my face was right next to a space heater.

"Now, let the arrow go," he said. I listened and let the arrow fly. It spiraled and hit the target in the dead center. I lowered my bow, and noticed he still had his chin on my shoulder. I looked sideways and saw that he was smiling at me.

"If you keep your hands and your chin where they are you going to give me a couple of bad sun burns," I commented.

"I may have a Sun Stone, but I'm not using it," he commented, smirking at the fact he stated. I felt my cheeks grow warmer and realize he was right; it wasn't from him. He seemed to noticed and laughed. He let go of my shoulder and elbow. He lifted his chin and said, "Were you trying to mess up on purpose?"

"Shut up," I said, summoning another arrow and threatening to shoot him with it.

"See, that little help i gave you improved your form much better. Aren't you glad that I came over?"

I just glared at him, having my bow ready to shoot. He smirked and walked back to the target, removing my last arrow. It disappeared and I readied myself to shoot. I was about to let go, when something unexpected happen.

Lion tackled the back of my legs.

Nobody was expecting him; not even Circo who could see what was behind me. I just felt something hard hit the back of my legs, buckling my knees. My bow changed direction to straight up, and my hand slipped. The arrow flew straight up and I fell back on the sand. I looked up to see Lion looking down at me, and Steven standing next to him.

"Steven?!" I said, furious and shocked. But before we could say anything, Lion grabbed the back of my collar with his mouth and pulled me away as something crashed landed in the sand I had just fallen on. When the dust finally settled, I gasped. My arrow hit something.

It hit a Phoenix...I think.

It was a large bird. It had blue-purplish feather's and small white spots that twinkled a little, like stars. It had four long feathers that was about five feet long, each had the tips of the feathers an icy blue that faded to the blue-purplish color of the body. It's wing span was twice as long as the tail feathers and the tips of the feathers on the wings were the same icy blue. It's head was about the size of lion's head and it's beak as big as three of my arrow heads put together. It was a beautiful bird.

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