So Close, But So Far

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Hey guys! So we finally get to this episode. Which one you ask? Well, keep reading and you'll find out ;D

-Luna's POV-

"Guh! This whole searching thing is pointless!" Pearl shouted. We had decided to do another late night, swim search for Lapis and Jasper. As Amethyst was holding Steven underwater, Circo was looking above the surface with Pearl, using his mother's jewelry. I was bent over, face so close to the surface that my nose was inches from it. I was staring into the water, trying to get any sign of Lapis. But the feelings of hopelessness was taking over and I was starting to get irritable at Pearl.

I looked at her and said, "It's not pointless."

Pearl seemed to realize she hit a soft spot and sighed, saying, "I'm sorry, Luna. No, this effort in finding Lapis isn't pointless, but this way of going about it is."

I nodded, understanding what she meant. Suddenly, we all heard a splashing sound and Amethyst saying, "Uh, is the signal one wiggle or two?"

I rushed over to Amethyst's side of the boat, trying to get Steven out of the water. But she had dropped him, and I was about to dive in, when he came back up to the surface gasping and coughing for air. He coughed up a fish and caught it. He looked at Amethyst and said, "This is why we wear life vests!"

"Are you alright?!" Pearl panicked. Garnet came to the surface, grabbing Steven in the process. She climbed into the raft and said, "Nothing."

Steven fell onto the floor of the raft, flopping around like a fish. I giggled as Circo climbed back into the boat. He shook his head, letting me know that he hadn't found anything that would lead to Lapis. I sighed, feeling even more discouraged then before.

"Guh!" Pearl said trying to lean on the side of the raft. But she couldn't exactly do that because of the life vest. "And I hate diapers!"

"Safety is no punchline Pearl," Steven said, handing one to Garnet.

"Safety is our job," Garnet said, throwing the life jacket overboard. "We must find Jasper and Lapis. As it stands, their fusion is a ticking time bomb."

As she summoned a life jacket for herself, I felt my hand starting to shake. Whether it was from being scared or very tired, I wasn't sure.

"Is....Lapis going to be okay?" I asked, obviously sounding worried.

"She had control when she used her power to drag their fusion into the ocean. But, a fusion like theirs isn't unstable, bound together by anger and mistrust. If that bind snaps, their anger will take over and destroy."

All three of us, Circo, Steven, and I shivered. I yawned and heard Steven say, "Don't worry Lapis, we won't let you sleep with the fishes..."

"We need to keep looking, but first, let's get you three home."

I shook my head, saying no to Garnet but also trying to keep myself awake. "We got to keep looking," I said. "You....even yourself Garnet; their a ticking time bomb."

I yawned again and heard Circo say, "I know you and Steven are worried, but we need rest if we want to keep searching. Just look a thing Steven."

i looked and saw that he was about to fall into the water, but Garnet caught him. I sighed and said, "Alright, let's head back."

-Time Skip-

We made it back to the beach house and all of us were sitting upstairs in Steven's room, listening to Pearl complaining.

"We should be out there searching!" She said, not looking at all happy. "Not back at the house, NOT searching."

"'Sleeping is a curse, and yet a curse I need to live' Steven Universe," Steven said, quoting himself.

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