Circo's Birthday

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Hey guys! So this is another awesome picture by my co author Kiwi. It's Circo's mom; ain't she just so awesome! She kind of looks like my mom a little. XD Anyway, here's the new chapter! :D

-Luna's POV-

I was shocked. I didn't know what to say or feel. Usually when it's somebody's birthday, I feel happy and I congratulate them. But, the way Circo put it, it's something he wasn't too happy about. Circo sighed, saying, "I guess you've never thought of your birthday that way, huh?"

"Well," I said, a little unsure of what to say, "I mean, sure, my mom gave up her form in order for me to live, but I wouldn't think of it as something sad. I would think of it as something great she did for me to live."

Circo nodded, seeming to understand, but he still looked sad. "There's more to besides your mom that makes you hate your birthday?" I asked. He nodded and stood up. He walked over to the book shelf and took the weird jewelry off the shelf.

"My dad told me my mom met him one day when he was surfing," started Circo, as he walked back over and sat down on the bed, studying the jewelry. "She was watching him surf, so he tried to be a show off and do some cool moves. He was really good at surfing. My mom freaked my dad out through when she walked on the water towards him. He fell off his board."

I started laughing, thinking of the image in my head. Circo chuckled, "Yeah, he was freaked out for a bit. But he said he fell for her the moment that he saw her. She liked him to, but at first it was because of how he surfed. Her being a sunstone, it's hard to be in the water without feeling weak, which is why my mom had these."

"How do you wear them?" I asked, still confused on how they work. Circo stood up and took one of them, and put the big loop and put it on his second toe by his big toe. "You place the hoop there, and you wrap the band just below your knee," he explained as he showed me. He put the second one on his other foot and stood up, showing me. I suppressed the urge to bust out laughing; I never thought I would see the day that Circo wore girl's jewelry.

Circo noticed though, "Ha ha, yeah I'm wearing girl's jewelry." He took them off and said, "They could also be worn on your hands, but it's more preferable on your feet."

"That's why you never wear shoes," I said, "It's just like your mom."

"Yeah," he said, sounding sad again, "I guess your right."

"Anyway, how did your mom fall for your dad?"

"Well, like I said before, she was interested because of his surfing and because he was human. But, as time went by, she fell for him too. And soon enough, they had me."

I looked at Circo; he was staring at the floor with a distant look. "What about you dad?" I asked carefully. Circo stood where he was, holding the jewelry, "He took care of me for a while. He tried his best, but he never did surfing again because it reminded him too much of my mom. I couldn't ask too many questions about mom because it would cause him to grow upset and he would lock himself in his room for a while. He would answer my questions when he was in a good mood, that's why I know the story of how they met. For a couple years, everything was okay. But....then..."

He seemed to trail off, clutching the jewelry harder and harder. I got up and walked over to Circo. I touched his hands, to try and calm him down so he wouldn't break his mom's jewelry. As soon as I touched his hands though, steam rose, and I quickly withdrew my hand before I got any burns.

"Circo," I said, trying to get his attention. Steam was rising off of him slowly, and his grip on his mother's jewelry was growing tighter.

"Circo!" I said, louder this time. But the steam was rising faster off of him and I knew if I didn't do something, he was going to burn a hole in his mom's room. I quickly pull out my small bottle of water I have on me in case of emergencies. I pulled the cap off and splashed Circo with all the water in it. This seemed to make him snap out of his angry state. He looked at me shocked. "You were about to burn a hole in the floor," I said, watching the clouds of steam rose off of him.

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