The Lost Being Found

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Hey guys! So, we finally get to the Cluster. Will they be able to stop it? Will they be able to save the planet? Let's jump in and find out! :D

-Luna's POV-

My eyes snapped open just as a tremor rumbled through the ground. I looked over at Steven and noticed that he was awake too. Another thing that was off was that everybody had had been sitting around us was gone. "What the-" I started, sitting up. Just then, another tremor rumbled and this time, the ground beneath the blanket we were on started to crack. I jumped up and off the blanket. Steven was a little slower and got hit by the chalkboard from earlier. He pushed it off of him and it fell to the ground.

"You okay, Steven?" I asked. Steven nodded and we both heard, "If you're done just lying there, maybe it's about time that we stop the world from ending! Where are the others?" Peridot asked from the top of the ladder to the drill driver cabin. Steven and I ran over to the ladder, looking up at Peridot.

"They're stuck on Mask Island. We have to drill without them!" Steven said. Peridot groaned and said, "Ugh! Am I the only one who understands the meaning of teamwork?!" I looked at Peridot and asked, "Where is everybody?"

"There in the barn! But we have to go now!" Peridot shouted.

"I'll be quick!" I rushed towards the barn before either one of them could protest. I opened the door and was quickly tackled by Circo. Amos quickly followed and even Onyx got in on the group hug. After a moment, they finally broke apart and Amos said, "Glad to see your okay."

"Where's Steven?" Circo asked, noticing Steven wasn't with me. "Him and I are going with Peridot in the drill," I said. "Please keep each other safe. We'll be back soon."

I turned to leave but Amos grabbed my wrist and said, "Stay safe, you hear me?" I looked at him and smiled. I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and said, "I will."

"Seriously?! Your leaving me with HIM?!" Circo asked, pointing a thumb at Amos. I nodded and said, "Yes, because the two of you need some quality time together to hang out."

Both guys looked at each other and took a step away from the other. I looked at Onyx and said, "Please keep them from trying to go at each other's throats." She smirked and tapped her gem, saying, "If they try anything, the sharps knives will come out."

I smiled and ran out of the barn back to Steven and Peridot. I ran up the ladder and said, "Okay I'm ready." Peridot grabbed my shoulder with one hand and Steven's shoulder with the other. "Okay, Steven and Luna, are you ready to drill down into the planet to depths never before reached by your species to stop the Cluster before it forms and save your world?!"

"I don't know!" Steven said, sounding scared. I glanced at Steven, feeling the same way. Peridot narrowed her eyes at Steven and said, "Don't say that! Say we'll do it together and it's gonna be great!"

"We're gonna do it together and it's gonna be great!" Steven cheered, putting on a brave face. "Yay!" I said, pumping a fist into the air.

"Liars!" Peridot shouted, pointing accusing fingers at us. The ground shook again and we all scrambled into the drill. I sat next to Steven and against the cabin's wall. Once we all got inside, Peridot closed the door and took a hold of the steering wheel and said, "Ready or not, we have a mission."

She started the drill up and the drill fell off of it's braces and onto the ground. At first the entire drill shook, then Peridot shouted, "Increasing speed!" She pushed the steering wheel forward and the drill shot down into the earth. The cabin rapidly grew darker until Peridot turned on some lightly within the cabin. Steven smiled and said, "Alright. Bracing for impact."

Child of the MoonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora