Message from Lapis

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Hey guys! We'll be seeing some new faces pretty soon. so keep an eye out. ;) Anyway, here's the new chapter! :D

-Luna's POV-

Steven, Circo ,and I were listening to Mr. Greg play the guitar, while sitting on the sand. Mr. Greg brought his van around the front of the beach house and had a bunch of sound equipment set up for his songs he was currently playing. Circo was lying on his back in the blanket, hands behind head. Steven and I sat on the blanket, listening. As we listened, I couldn't help but smile.

Apparently, my dad and Mr. Greg were in a band once. Both were great musicians. Mr. Greg would play guitar and my dad would play the drums and bass guitar at times. They were suppose to go off and be big stars, but they met Rose and Lucine. They both instantly left for our moms, and well, the rest is history. Steven and I were happy about that story and soon found out that our dads became friends with Circo's mom when they one day met with Circa, who had come to visit Lucine. All three of our moms were pregnant and the last time they all met, was the day my mom and Circo's mom moved away.

Overall, our families had known each other for a while.

Mr. Greg finished his song and we all clapped. Circo sat up and joined in the applause. "That sounded great!" Steven said, excitedly.

"Thanks!" Mr. Greg said. "I'm thinking of calling it 'Water Witch''.
I slightly flinched, thinking it had something to do with Lapis. I haven't heard from her in a long time now, and just the mention of her hurts. But I shook my head, trying to focus on what Mr. Greg was showing Steven at the moment. He was giving Steven a sketch pad and showed Steven the picture. When I looked, I flinched again. It looked a lot like Lapis. Circo looked and placed a hand on my shoulder, trying to reassure me.

"It...looks like Lapis," Steven said, touching the picture.
Mr Greg took it away, saying to be careful with not to smudge it. He gave an electric guitar and cord to hook up. As Steven went to go hook it up, I looked at Mr. Greg. "So these songs are about Lapis?"

"Well, i did get the inspiration when the whole ocean being taken thing happened," Mr Greg said. Steven came back and said, "Okay, let's jam!" He went to strum the guitar, but nothing happened.

"Uh, where are my jams?" Steven asked. We all laughed and Mr. Greg said, "I don't think it's plugged in." Steven looked and saw he hadn't plugged in the cord all the way. He fixed this and said again, "Let's jam!"

Nothing happened when he strum the guitar. He did this a few more times, but nothing happened. Mr. Greg looked up and said, "Oh, sorry. That's just the T.V" He took the cord out of the T.V and hooked it up to the sound board. "See, you plugged into the video jack but were making audio here. Don't you know video killed the audio star?"

We all gave Mr. Greg a confused look. "I have no idea what your saying," Steven said.
"Same," Circo and I said. Mr. Greg smiled, "That's okay. You guys leave the details to me. When you're a one man band, you got to know how to do it all."

"Did my dad know this stuff?" I asked.

"A little, but it was mostly me who did this sort of stuff. Your dad would somehow mess it up," he said, laughing. I smiled; that did sound like something my dad would do. Once everything was hooked up, Mr. Greg said, "Okay, we need a catchy hook like, 'Well, she's a riptide queen and she's, super mean!'"

I flinched; Lapis wasn't like that at all. Steven noticed and intervened saying, "Whoa, hold the phone. Now give the phone to me."

"Lapis was not mean, she was trying to get home," I said, trying not to sound too upset.
"How about this instead," said Circo, who extended his hand to Steven. Steven gave him the electric guitar and strummed a chord and sang. Steven and I joined in at a couple parts to fill in the lines while Circo played.

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