Legends and Goodbyes

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Hey guys! So, here is the chapter where we finally figure out what the heck is up with Luna and Circo's gems. This is another picture by the awesome Kiwi. It's just a funny picture of Lapis, teaching her sister how to fly. Luna is trying to show Circo flying isn't so bad, but he isn't fully comfortable with Luna holding him like that. XD Anyway, here is the new chapter! :)

-Luna's POV-

"Luna, please wake up," I heard. I felt water move out from inside my lungs and out of my throat. It felt like the water had a mind of it's own and was sliding up my throat. Once it was all out, I coughed and gagged. My eyes opened and, for a second, I thought I was dreaming. The night sky seemed to have zoomed closer then ever before, and there was a lot more stars then usual.

"Oh thank goodness," I heard. I coughed and sat up, even more confused by the area around me. Lapis and I were sitting on water. I looked through the water and saw many fish of various kinds swimming. It was amazing.

"Lapis," I said, my voice sounding horse from coughing, "Where are we?"

"We're in space," she said, bluntly.

I looked at her, shocked and in disbelief, "You can't be serious."

"Where else do you think we are?"

"Good point." Still in disbelief, I crawled to the edge of the water platform we were on. I peeked over the edge and wished I hadn't. I was okay with heights, but this high was a big no. My hands clutched the edge, and I slid back towards the center of the water pillar. Lapis giggled, "Your not a fan of heights?"

"Not this high!" I squeaked, trying to calm myself down. The sense of fear was so overwhelming that the surge of energy for when my wings appear, flowed through me and into my back, making my wings appear. Lapis gasped in awe. "You have wings? The legends are true."

"Legends?" I asked, looking at Lapis with a questioning look.

She shook her head, "Never mind. Do you know how to use them?"

I shook my head. She smiled, "Looks like I get to teach you something." She got up and walked over to me, and helped me up. I wobbled a little by the weight of my wings, but quickly got used to it as I stood still.

"Now," she said, "Since your wings appear from emotion, if you focus your emotions on your wings, they should appear much easier then before."

"How do you know?" I asked, looking at her.

"With every gem, they figure out their power in some way. Now, you know how to flap your wings?" I moved my wings, showing her I knew.

"Okay, so you should be okay then," she said, moving me towards the edge of the giant water pillar.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" I said, placing my feet down to stop her. But the water surface didn't have any friction, so Lapis didn't have trouble pushing me to the edge. "I don't think I'm ready for this!"

"Sure you are!" she said, stopping.

"No, I really think I'm not!"

Lapis sighed, "Okay. We'll stop." I sighed, relieved. I went to take a step forward, but I lost my balance and fell backwards.

"LAPIS!" I screamed, as I started plummeting towards earth.

"Flap your wings!" she screamed. I started flapping my wings, but by the speed I was falling, it wasn't doing much help. 'What if I-' I started thinking, as I curled my wings, so that the inside of my wings were curved. Great idea, but not the smartest thing to do at I don't know miles per hour. My wings jerked back and and I nearly threw out my back. But I sky rocketed back up to the top of the water pillar, and I glided back down towards Lapis.

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