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Hey guys! So we're back with the Crystal Gem crew. Looks like their finally heading back to Beach City. Wonder if anything will happen? Let's find out! :D

-Luna's POV-

"HELLO BEACH CITY!" I cheered, as Astra flew over the town. We had all finally cleared things up at the barn and were now heading back. The crystal gems, and Steven went back by warp pad. Circo and I flew back on Astra. It took a little longer but we wanted to take a good look at the town since it's been a while.

Astra turned towards the temple and I took a deep breath, sighing in relief. "Finally were back home," I said. I looked behind me at Circo and asked, "Doesn't it feel like forever since we been here?"

Circo nodded, but he had a clouded look on his face. I raised an eyebrow and asked, "Everything okay? You've been kind of quiet since we left."

"I think we were being followed," Circo said. I rolled my eyes and looked ahead, "Can you not be paranoid for once?"

"I'm serious Luna," He said, sounding worried. Astra started to slow down as we descended in front of the temple. Her feet touched the ground and she folded her wings, letting Circo and I off. I jumped down and Circo followed suit, saying, "I think I saw an orange gem following us before we left the barn."

"Orange gem?" I asked, now starting to feel worried. "You mean Jasper?"

"Maybe, but they didn't look like Jasper," Circo said. He sighed and shook his head. "I don't know. Maybe I am tired."

The door to the beach house burst open and Steven charged out, running towards town. I cupped my hands over my mouth and shouted, "Steven! Where are you going?"

"The Big Donut!" He shouted. "I want a donut!"

"Actually I want one too," Circo said. He looked at me and I said, "You don't need my permission to go. I'm going to check out the cave and see how everything's kept up."

"I'll meet you there once I'm back with Steven," he responded, running to catch up with Steven. I watched them go before turning to Astra. Only to find she wasn't next to me anymore. She was under the porch with Sora, fast asleep. I smiled and said, "Guess I can fly there myself."

My gem glowed and my wings appeared on my back. One downward movement from them and I was ten feet in the air. I spun around and headed towards the cave. I looked down and saw some of the restaurants still open and some closing up. I looked at the car wash and frowned when I saw that the sign was off. Amos was probably back home already. I could visit him tomorrow if nothing crazy happens.

I flew past the car wash and up the hill. I landed just in front of the cave and stared at the entrance. The etchings of the sun and moon were still there but around the cave entrance the rock looked weather and slightly smoother. I placed my hand over the indent by the moon. The moon glowed brightly and the entrance opened. Being careful not to slide down like the first time, I took the steps down and entered the moon cave.

The cave looked the same as when I left it. The shelves of random items and books were the same. The moon pool was the same. The waxing crescent tile was lit up. And from where I was standing, the bedroom looked the same. I walked over to the moon pool and looked down. My reflection reflected back up to me and my eyes grew wide. I have grown.

My hair was long and past my shoulders. I had fading bruises on my face and neck. I could see cuts and calluses on my hands from fighting and using my bow. I grimaced and muttered, "I need to clean myself up."

I stood up and walked to the bedroom. I grabbed the curtain off of the bed and went back to the stairs. After pinning the blanket up, I turned back to the moon pool. "Well, I've been in need of a bath for a while," I said, smiling.

Child of the Moonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें