Swords, Friends and Meaning

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Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in a bit. I got a bit sick recently but I'm now getting over it, and should be good within the next few days. Also, here's another art piece by Kiwi! A and his cousin together. Anyway, here's the new chapter! :D

-Luna's POV-

"When's Connie suppose to be coming over?" I asked Steven, as I helped him with his picnic with Connie. Steven and Connie had a rough time not too long ago when Connie found out about the Home World Gem invasion. She even visited me when I was still resting, which was really nice of her.

"She's coming in a little bit," Steven said, excitedly. We kept making the sandwiches, until I heard a knock at the door. I put the knife down and said, "I'll get it." Steven nodded as I ran over to the door. I opened it to see Circo had come over.

"Hey Circo," I said smiling.

"Hey Luna," he said, walking in. "What are you guys up too?"

"I'm helping Steven with sandwiches, because he has a date with Connie," I said, winking at Steven.

"I-It's not a date!" he protested. I giggled and Circo grinned, "How about I help?"

"Sure, but you need to wash your hands first," I said, noticing his hands were covered in dirt. He glanced down and rolled his eyes.

"Okay mom," he said, walking towards the bathroom to wash his hands. At that moment, I heard another knock at the door and opened it. I wasn't surprised when I saw Connie. But I was VERY much surprised when I saw A standing next to her.

"A?!" I said, shocked. "What are you doing here?!"

"I thought I tag along with my cousin here," he said, playfully punching her shoulder. Connie flinched and gave A the death glare. I was still trying to wrap my head around this new piece of information. Steven was the one to freak out though.

"YOUR CONNIE'S COUSIN?!" he said, freaking out. A and Connie walked in and Connie said, 

"Yeah. Amos' dad is my uncle."

A looked at Connie in horror, as the realization hit Steven and I. But it was Circo who reacted first. "Wait, is that seriously your name?" Circo asked, looking as if he was about to bust out laughing. "Amos?"

"Yeah, and what if it is?" Amos said, glaring at Circo.

"I just thought your name would be something tougher. since you always seem to have this 'Tough act' all the time."

"Oh? So your saying your name is tough? What kind of a name is Circo?"

Steven, Connie and I stared at both Amos and Circo as both of them kept throwing insults at each other, taking steps towards one another. Connie glanced at me for help and I noticed the water in the sink. By now, Circo and Amos were standing right in front of each other.

"You want to go, pretty boy?" Circo said, his voice low but deadly.

Amos cracked his knuckles and said, "We can take it outside. This should be an interesting fight."
Circo ignited his hands and curled them into fists, saying, "You sure you want to mess with fire? Wouldn't want to mess up that pretty face of yours."

Suddenly, both bubbles of water that had been floating over there heads burst open and washed over both guys. Both of them gasped in shock, taking a step back from one another. The water had doused the flames on Circo's fists. Amos looked around, confused where the water came from. Circo, however, looked directly at me.

"You guys need to chill," I said. Amos looked at me, surprised by the fact I did that. Circo grunted and said, "I'll be outside if you need me." He marched out of the house and slammed the door behind him, his footsteps marching down the porch steps.

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