Chapter 19~Enough is Enough

Start from the beginning

            “What do you mean?”

            “The speed limit is forty not seventy!”

            Nahuel chuckled with a small shake of his head, and then slowly the needle leaned lower until it hit fifty in the speedometer. “There, happy now?”

            “Not really,” I grumbled, although I did get my hands to loosen their death grip on the seat. We didn’t say much after that, but just as we were a mere mile from the school Nahuel broke the heavy silence by clearing his throat.

            “I talked to Ian,” he drawled, eyes not wavering from the road, “he was really difficult but I managed to get through to him, so the Bull Dogs know not to come anywhere close to you as long as you are with me, unless they want us to kill their families.”

            The color drained from my face, “You’d go after their families? After innocent people that have nothing to do with this?”

            “Elaine, if we don’t do it this way then you’re as good as dead,” Nahuel snapped, his face twisted with raged, “Think of your brother. Those bastards won’t care if he’s innocent or if he’s just a little kid. They only come for blood and that’s what they get.”

Well I couldn’t really argue with that. When it came to my brother’s safety, I would turn this whole world around and break all the rules. Perhaps those people would do the same for their family, perhaps they’ll hurt if they lose their loved ones—but that wouldn’t be my fault. All I care about is my own kin; everything else is not my concern. Setting that in mind, I offered Nahuel a quick nod.

            He stopped the car and extracted the keys from the ignition. It took me a few moments to figure out that we were parked outside our school; I was so deep in thought that I hadn’t paid attention to my surroundings. We got out and met each other half way by the hood of his car.

            Nahuel held out his hand to me, “There are some guys that belong to the Bull Dogs who go here. So try and make this look somewhat realistic, if not, I’ll have to step in,” snatching my hand in his, he laced our fingers together and gave a rough tug so my inept body crashed into his, “and trust me nena, you’re not going to like it one bit if I take over.”

            I swallowed the lump that hindered my ability to talk and breath. Nahuel took my expression in with a satisfied smirk and led me into the school. We weren’t late, but we weren’t that early either, even so the school was populated enough that many gave us long, hard, looks as we walked in hand in hand. I wasn’t an attention freak—in fact, I loathed attention—and when the girls began to shoot me very intimidating glares, I couldn’t help but wimp away. Nahuel seemed unfazed, as always, by the stares as he steered me to the library. His thumb was stroking the back of my hand and I could have sworn he was humming incoherently to himself. Reaching the main hall, I pulled my hand free from his grasp. Just to our left was the Cafeteria and I couldn’t help but send the door a craving look.

            Nahuel paused, his dark eyes bouncing from the Cafeteria to me, “Are you hungry?”

            I shook my head.

            “Then what?” he seemed irate, as if not know what was wrong struck a main nerve.

            I licked my dry lips, “I miss my friends. I haven’t really hung out with them like I used to and they don’t deserve my ignorance.”

            Nahuel sighed, raking stiff fingers through his hair. He didn’t talk, but by the expression on his face I knew he was debating whether to deny my request or allow it. Just then—like my destined savior—Lucas sauntered up behind Nahuel and punched him in the arm playfully, catching him completely off guard. Nahuel whipped around with his fist high in the air to return the blow, his face a mask of rage.

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