Chapter 3~Payback My Friend

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Hey there <3

First of all I dedicate this chapter to Blueskylover for making my days with ever comment i get. Thank you so much for supporting my stories, you're awesome. ^_^ 

OK so I am deciding to enter this story into the Watty Awards...should i? let me know haha since I am still a bit reluctant on the decision. 

So here is chappy three enjoy enjoy enjoy.




So, two hours later we arrived to a semi-decent motel just off the shore of the lake. Everything was so exotic, it really made me proud of the state I lived in. I've been born and bred in Florida, and I wasn't about to give up on it anytime soon.

After paying for a room, we decided that we were only going to stay for three days(just to take precaution in case we actually do get caught). We trotted back to her car so we could get our bags, it wasn't much really. Just the small duffel bag I brought and two medium bags Izzy brought as luggage. Though, one thing I was going to admit was that one of her bags sure was heavy. Like she had 100 pounds of rocks stored in it.

Dragging the bag back inside was a hell of a lot of work, my arm muscles began to cry out in agony,

“What do you have in this bag, Izzy?” I grunted out, soon as we were in the shelter of our room.

She helped herself to plop down on the fluffy bed, “Nothing much really, just some cosmetics, and toiletries that are necessary. Oh and I think I brought some of my most prized possessions”

With a perplexed look, I ripped back the zipper on the bag. Reaching down I pulled out a dirty rubber ducky. By the sickly mucus green color that it had, my guess is that it used to be yellow. “This is one of your most prized possessions?” I asked incredulously, holding up the demented rubber duck and gave it a small shake in the air. Getting up, Izzy marched over to me and snatched the duck right out of my hand.

“Oh shut up. Bub-bah and I have been through so much together.”

I rolled my eyes, glancing back down at the bag over flowing in cosmetics and perfume bottles, “Yeah I bet. That duck has seen your down stairs mix up and all places that even guys would kill just to have a peek at. Bath tub times do have their advantages,”

She stuck her tongue out at me like a child and began to stroke the rubbery surface of the dirty duck, “Don't listen to her Bub-bah, she's just jealous.”

“Jealous of what?” I scoffed, “I am actually relived I am not in the place of that duck, cause if I were, my sanity would be long gone and my mind would be scarred. So no, I am not jealous at all.”

“Ugh, I didn't mean it like that. I meant that you are probably jealous that I have a ducky friend and you don't”

I pursed my lips, still not looking at her as I continued to ravage through her luggage; finding a bag full of marbles, another bag only this one was filled with chocolate, three stuffed animals and a box of –

“What. The. Hell. Is. This?” I held up the box, some of the plastic squares from inside fell to the ground. Like lightning, Izzy, fell to her knees and briskly plucked the small transparent packets from the ground, then got up to seize the box from my hand, however this time I tightened my grip on it, not letting go. “What is this?” I repeated. Izzy simply bit her lip nervously, trying to pull the box out of my grip once again, then she gave in with a sigh.

The Tears I Shed For Him...Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant