12. Way Too Nice - Newt

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"Oh... I see what's going on," he muttered. "You should lie down, I'll go get you some breakfast."

You groaned dramatically.

"No, it's fine, really—"

"Nuh-uh. I insist. I can't have you work today like this, you're in bloody pain," he interrupted.

Literally, you thought.

"You want me to lay in bed all day like a useless potato sac so you can yell at me for it later?" You had a trace of hurt on your face as you complained to him.

"No, Y/N. I just want to help," he shrugged, a bit offended at your accusation. "Here, I'll take you to your hammock. You should go back to sleep."

"No! I literally just woke up a few minutes ago—seriously?" you asked in annoyance.

"I know how you get when this happens, but I won't have you work in pain and that's final," he argued, sounding like he hadn't listened to a word you said.

There was absolutely no way you were getting out of this one. Newt was as stubborn as Minho, and that was certainly saying something. You didn't fall too far behind from them in stubbornness, but Newt wouldn't let you have your way at all.

You trudged slowly back to your hammock and lied there, pouting like a little kid.

Not long after, Newt returned with a plate of food.

"Here, eat up and then get some rest."

"Newt, I still have to water the plants, dig up the fertilizer, wash the Runners' clothes, and pack their lunches," you listed everything with your fingers, "I have to get work done, I can't just sit around doing nothing all day."

"Don't worry about it—"

"What do you mean? I'm not having you make someone else do my job for me—I'm fine!" you insisted.

But he shook his head. "You're not fine, you're yelling at me."

"Because being on my period doesn't mean I'm gonna die. I can do stuff. I'll go to sleep right now if that's what I have to do to make you shut up and leave me alone," you told him, then you pointed a warning finger at him. "Just promise me that when I wake up, you'll let me finish my own job—don't send anyone to do it for me."

Newt gave out a long sigh. "Fine. At least you'll partially listen to me."

As soon as he left, you ate your breakfast and lied down. You didn't want to sleep; you didn't want to give him the satisfaction.

Unfortunately, sleep beat you to it, and you dozed off.


When you woke up, you were startled... then you remembered.

Really? Did I really just fall asleep?

You quickly got off your hammock but it was such a swift movement that you were stumbling before someone helped you steady yourself.

"Whoa there. You good?" Thomas asked you.

"Thomas! I'm fine—I just... I remembered I still have work to do," you replied with an impatient smile on your face.

Thomas furrowed his eyebrows.

"Work? No, you don't. Newt has you covered, don't worry."

Your jaw dropped.

"The one thing I asked him not to do. One thing, for shuck's sake!" You clenched your fists in front of you, lamenting your situation, which didn't seem all that bad but today was a good day for being dramatic.

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