10. If Only Pt. 2 - Newt

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Without thinking, you sprinted right to where Newt was, willing to catch the tied wood as soon as it fell off the edge.

Sure enough, the wind pushed the small pile off, and you braced yourself for the impact.

You felt the rough wood scratch you as it fell securely into your arms.

That was close.

You thought everything was finally okay, but you stumbled over a small rock and your assumptions came crashing to the floor just like that pile of wood.

You had time to throw it out in front of you so it would still avoid hitting Newt, but unfortunately, you couldn't stop yourself from falling on top of him.


"What in the bloody—" a sleepy and startled Newt began as you quickly scrambled off him, back up on your feet.

Great. Nice going, Y/N, you mentally scolded yourself.

"What's going on?" he asked, confused as he struggled to stand up. He muttered a quick 'thank you' as you helped him to his feet. He grabbed his tank top and hoodie and slid them back on.

"Shuck, I'm so sorry—I can explain," you began rambling. "Basically, you fell asleep, and I didn't want to wake you, but I didn't notice that some brainless slintheads left a pile of wood hanging almost off the edge," you said, pointing to the top of the watchtower, and he just frowned and followed your finger.


"It's so windy out that I wanted to catch the shuck thing before it fell on you, but I tripped. Sorry about that." You took in a huge breath, obviously flustered with the awkward situation.

Newt found it amusing, however, and you were quite shocked to see him allow himself to laugh. "You don't have to apologize," he said, "thank you for coming to my rescue." He gave you an amused smile.

The worried frown on your face instantly disappeared and you broke into a smile.

"So... how long did I sleep for?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Like forty minutes or so," you replied.

"Bloody heck, I'm sorry Y/N. I didn't mean to completely pass out. I'll get the job done, though," he said scratching the back of his neck with embarrassment.

He reached over for the wood, but you stretched your hand to stop him.

"No, it's fine. I don't wanna rush you at all. I'm sure you needed that nap—that is—until my clumsy self woke you up like that," you told him as you cringed.

"I'm actually glad you did," he said, his smile fading as a somber look took it's place. You tilted your head to the side.

"What do you mean?"

"I was having a nightmare, and you woke me up right before the worst part. And you saved me from a possible head trauma too. A double save. Thank you," he said, with the last words coming out of his mouth in a whisper.

"Uh... I'm glad I could help," your voice quivered nervously as you blushed.

Hang on, I just met him today—what the heck?

"You know, sometimes it feels better to talk about it to someone so you can get it out of your mind faster," you suggested after a long, awkward pause.

He seemed hesitant, looking at the pile of wood still needing to be chopped. Also, the other Gladers had finished eating and were heading back to work, which killed the mood a bit.

You shook your head. "Don't worry about the wood. Or them," you referred to the other Gladers, "I'll deal with them later. I haven't even finished my task," you shrugged.

You noticed Gally approaching you, giving you a suspicious look as you and Newt stood there facing each other.

Ella covered her mouth as she whispered something to one of her friends. It just wasn't gonna work with all the attention you were getting.

You signaled to Gally, asking him to cover for you and Newt. He rolled his eyes but you knew for sure he'd do you the favor anyway. You snatched your plate of food from the ground and were ready to disappear from view.

"But what if you get in troub—?" Newt began, but stopped short.

Out of nowhere, you grabbed his wrist and pulled him toward the deadheads.

You were gonna get tremendously reprimanded by Gally, and especially by Alby, but you didn't care.

You loved taking certain conflicts upon your own hands, and Newt's case was so particularly intriguing that you couldn't help yourself. You were gonna dig your hands into this matter and wish that Newt could hopefully get something good out of it.

As you practically dragged him along with you, he was involuntarily holding back. Then you remembered his limp, and guilt flushed all over you as you lowered your pace.

"You're bloody stronger than you look. What a grip!" he groaned once you finally let go. Sure enough, there were red fingermarks around his wrist.

"I'm so sorry," you raised your hands in front of you regretfully. He just stared back at you, then his eyes wandered around, inspecting the deadheads with confusion.

Being the strongest girl felt amazing; it was like your superpower. But this was an example of the rare occasion where it was more of an embarrassment.

It was like you were exposing your flaws to Newt with so much ease. You needed to prove yourself otherwise; you needed him to know your good side. Not the clumsy and rough side, but the intelligent and caring one.

"Why did we come here, exactly?" he wondered.

"Oh, well... to talk," you replied. "I just wanna listen to you, and I want you to feel comfortable without having so many people around you. I want to help you," you shrugged. "Let's sit down?"

He didn't say anything at first, and you were afraid he disliked the idea, but then he gave you a simple nod.

You both sat down on the grass, facing each other. You set down the plate of food next to you before looking at him expectantly as to indicate you were ready to hear him out. He avoided your gaze and fixed his eyes on the ground.

You were apprehensive, wondering if it was a good idea to make him talk about such a traumatic experience. What if he refused to talk to you? You'd end up looking like a complete fool.

Come on, you can do it.

Be strong.

You were mentally repeating that for both Newt and yourself.

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