
My legs felt as though they would give way. My knees grew weak and my body threatened to plummet to the floor. What was wrong with me?
I didn't dare ask more, and Astoria didn't push it. Her face softened slightly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." She grunted, turning her back to me as she begun to add herbs to her latest potion. Thick grey smoke spiralled to the ceiling as she stirred the mixture. A chill began to crawl down my spine, I told myself it was only due to the bitter bite of the wind. I was inside, there was no wind. My body was on edge, every muscle and every thought standing to attention. I was ready, for what I did not know, but something was coming and that something was bad.

"It's just..." She froze. Her whole body grew ridged and her eyes wide. A gust of wind blew down the chimney, bringing with it a cloud of ash and fallen smoke. I coughed, waving my arms to clear the smoke.

"What? What's wrong?" I stood up and began walking towards her as she quickly spun around, putting a finger to her lips. She began to shove me in the direction of the closet that held nothing but cleaning supplies.
"Hide! Quickly! Now!" She whispered, I could've sworn I had seen fear in her eyes.

She shoved me into the closet and slammed the door in my face. I stood there awkwardly for a few seconds, surveying the brooms and tools that lined the walls. My eyes lingered on a dagger with a serrated silver blade, something possessed me to pick it up, maybe it was the way the light reflected off the pale blade. I quickly set it back down on the shelf. I didn't need it, what would Astoria think if she opened the door to me wielding a dagger at her.

All of a sudden my legs threatened to collapse again and my heart began to thunder in my chest. A weight dropped into the pit of my stomach as I heard the cabin door open.

"Theos.." I heard Astorias catlike purr. She sounded calm, but I knew otherwise. A strange feeling bubbled up within me, I fought to push it down, it was a bitter feeling that was a vile shade of green.

The scent of raw dominance invaded the cabin, it hung heavy in the air and my body clung to it as though it were the only thing keeping me alive.

There was a creaking if floor boards before I heard him speak.

"You know why I came, Astoria."

An involuntary gasp left my lips, my hands flew over my mouth. His voice was the very epitome of male, the sound alone was enough to leave me on my knees and begging for more. I struggled to control my rapid breathing, so in the end I just held my breath.

"Is someone else here?" He growled, and I could feel the anger radiating off him in waves that crashed over me. I was drowning in the thought of him, and I loved every second it.

"No.. Just us." Astoria assured him. "You're here because of your dreams, right?"

"Yes." He uttered. "I can't stop seeing her."

His tone was lighter, almost melancholy to the point that my heart ached. I leaned closer, pushing my ear against the door to try to hear him better. My body hungered for the thought of him, and not just a slight need. It was an animalistic part of me that called out to the male.

"I can't sleep at nights without seeing her, and Flick is beginning to notice."

This wasn't the first time I had heard someone reference her. I had a thousand questions running through my mind but no one to answer them.

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