Part 36

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sorry I haven't updated... life got in the way


Damiens POV

Dead silent

No one dared to make a noise, utter a word, or even scratch their fork against the china plates. My mind was racing, all I could think of was my poor Kadence. 

I hated letting her go with Adonis, but if he knew what Kadence meant to me... that would make the situation exponentially worse

A slight smirk made it's way over my lips. When I saw Kadence sitting there, her pretty little body in that gorgeous dress. The things I wanted to do to that girl as she sat there. I loved every inch of that women, how the dress clung to her body perfectly while still making her look so deliciously innocent. 

Even thinking of her made a small growl come from my lips, I hated the fact that any of the other men in the room got to see her beauty. She was mine, only mine

"What are you thinking about fratello?" Ivan spoke, his voice calculated and controlled. I shot my head over to him, glaring menacingly into his eyes with pure hatred

"Do not call me that, I stopped being tuo fratello the moment you turned into this monster." I hissed, my eyes darkening from the wrath boiling in my blood 

Ivan smiled slightly, revealing his pearly white teeth that were filed into sharp, shark like shapes. 

Before Ivan could say anything back to me, a large boom erupted from the forest. The ceiling shook and they crystals from the elegant chandelier rattled against each other.

I jumped from my seat, standing defensively. 

Then I heard it


Her blood curling scream 

It seemed to bounce from the walls, it echoed from the floors, the scream engraved itself into my memory and I couldn't get it out 

"Kadence" I screamed back, immediately running out of the room to the source of her cries. I shattered the glass doors, watching the tiny pieces fall to the ground. 


Kadence's POV

Before I was able to return to the real world, I was pulled back into another realm that was slightly familiar, yet it made my hair on my arms rise from nerves racing through my body. 

I could automatically tell where I was when I opened my eyes. 

All around me was an endless white abyss, nothing was visible except a stark white color, like snow, as far as the eye could see. It irked me, how within this dimension, I guess you could call it a dimension, there held nothing except for the mere existence of two beings and an endless flood of black magic. 

My clothes were soaked in the bottom as I lay flat on my back in a cool, red liquid that was incredibly thick and smelled awfully similar to blood... but I didn't let my mind ponder it for long. If I did, I would have realized that throughout miles upon miles of the abyss there was a sheet of blood, ankle deep, that I was lying in. 

The blood of many creatures, some not earthly 

Instead of feeling disgust, like I should have and like I did the first time I was in Ricin's realm, I felt enthralled deep down, almost like I wanted to stop what I was doing and take a small sip. 

I shook the thoughts out of my head 

"Ricin?" I questioned 

Although Ricin and I had a complicated relationship, as she almost completely killed Noah, I still had some strange attachment to her. 

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