Part 3

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And the aesthetic continues :)) Anyways, thank you all so much for reading!! I am really excited to keep this book going, and I hope you enjoy! Also, if you have any feedback, I would love to hear it, but thank you for giving this a chance. 


The lights were nice- the red and blue contrasted against each other gorgeously. It formed a sultry yet innocent vibe on the room. Wow, what a pretty room to hold such a heated scene

If you can't tell my mind was racing, my palmy hands fidgeted against the stiff cotton of my skirt. I was unsure of how to act, what to say, what to even think. Because before me, the most stunning man stared deep into my soul...His green eyes held mine in a heated stare. As I looked closer, I could see accents of golden streaks near his pupil. All I wanted to do was run up to him and capture him in a warm embrace, my mate... the man made for me. But my body kept me in place as he took large strides towards my small frame. I was to nervous to move, to scared I would mess everything in this beautiful moment up. 

I exhaled shaky breaths, the closer he came the more nervous I became. How would he react to me, does he hate me? As he neared me, my mate stopped directly in front of me, we were mere inches apart. His scent eloped me in a warm yet anxious feeling. I flutter my eyes shut slowly, taking in the musky smell around me.

I heard a soft, deep, and incredibly sexy growl leave the man before me. Ohh, I bet he could smell the desire from my every pour. Before I could open my eyes again he wrapped his muscled arms around my small waste. Instinctively, I encircled my hands around his neck and nuzzled my head against his chest. His growl grew louder as I felt a long shiver down my spine. Sparks erupted like fireworks wherever his skin was near mine. Butterfly's cascaded around in my stomach, I felt true happiness. 

It was like our body's were perfect for each other, they fit like puzzle pieces. He was the lost part of my existence- hold on, I broke myself out of my entranced state. Was I seriously having such strong feelings about a guy who I haven't even talked to. 

The answer was a strong yes. 

I pulled away slightly and tilted my chin upwards so I could stare into his eye's again. He peered down at me, his face was emotionless but his eyes portrayed the passion and fire of a thousand suns. 

"w-whats your name" I whispered, my voice husky and more sultry then I ever intended it to be. His eye's darkened at my voice, and I could tell he was entranced by my presence. He slowly ran his tongue along his bottom lip, not in a perverted way but just as a habit. 

"you can call me Damien" he said. Oh my God, his voice sent shivers down my spine. His arms must have felt my reaction as a deep growl game from the back of his throat. His voice was smooth and incredibly deep. Oh Lord Jesus save me...

I stood there, dumbstruck with this God who stood before me. With every second that passed, both of us in a dream like state, I felt more and more reliant on Damien. We stood there, what seemed like only a second before a piercing voice interrupted the moment we shared. 

"What is going on babe?" Zaya said with her arms folded against her chest. Damien's eyes viciously snapped away from mine and trailed on Zaya. His stare could make anyone cower away into a corner. She gulped, and I could see looming fear across her entire face. 

Babe she called him babe. Was there something I was missing? Did they share something, my mind raced with possibilities, some absurd but some terrifyingly realistic. As I started between Zaya and my mate, I could automatically see why they would be attracted towards each other. They were both gorgeous, and both of them were tall members of importance. In fact, I would even say they looked good together. A surprising growl erupted from my throat from the jealousy I felt. Immediantly Damiens eyes shot onto me as he heard my animalistic responce 

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