Chapter 1

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- Hey this is my first story on wattpad. All characters in this story are fake, and any names or businesses mentioned are not intended to reflect the real world. With that being said, this is a werewolf story that will include some mature themes. Enjoy :)

Also, I'm looking back and this chapter is really short... the story gets better I promise


I felt a little guilty to say the least.

I mean, it was my fault for getting to angry when Zaya, the gorgeous brunette whose mission is to ruin my life, verbally attacked me. But at the same time, she did step over the line by attacking the situation my parents are in. Being at the bottom of the food chain in a pack sucked, especially considering your life was going to be devoted to cleaning the chambers and house of the alpha. Just like my parents, I was the good for nothing Omega who would scrub toilets. But what Zaya said hit me hard, harder than I could imagine...

Because I knew her words were true, I was going to be the wolf who would stay in this pack my entire life while she would be the wolf mated to an alpha. She would travel the world and have the luxury of being wealthy. Bottom line, Zaya would always be better.

But as I stood before her, something came over me. So I did what I had to do to protect myself, I poured a carton of milk over her head and smeared my tray of cafeteria food on her outfit.


"Kadence" The principal's words snapped me out of my daze. I lifted my gaze from my fidgeting hands to his face. As he peered into my soul, I couldn't help but to shift uncomfortably. I hated his spiteful stare as he lectured me on the importance of respect.

"Now, I don't understand why you would do something like this. You never had an issue before this, in fact your record is a clean slate. Why would you do this to Zaya, especially since her..." His voice trailed off into the distence

With her status, with her role, with her beauty, with her power over me. It was extremely rude to have such opinions of pack status come into this conversation but I knew it was inevitable.

"Listen," I begin to speak, "I understand what she is, but ..." I paused. I had to choose my words carefully. If I didn't I could get a severe punishment for insulting the Beta's daughter. Not only that, but my education would be compromised. I decided the only words I could say without getting severe punishment was an apology. Whatever Zaya said didn't matter because I was the one who lashed out. Even though she deserved it

"I am sorry," I gulped hard swallowing my true feelings, "It was my fault and I will never do anything like this again. I will accept any punishment that will be reprimanded to me as a result of my actions." I tilted my head to the side, exposing my neck. This was a sign of submission in my pack, this was a sign of my weakness compared to Zaya.

The Principal nodded his head in approval and pursed his lips slightly. His eyes avoided my own as he determined the proper consequence of my action. I rubbed my hands against my jeans, it was a nervous habit I had when I was in trouble.

"Kadence, I understand you are familiar with the banquet we are hosting this year." He said

My heart plummeted as he mentioned the alpha's assembly. Every two years, a pack was chosen to host an extravagant ball. This year, my pack was hosting. Influential unmated males from across the country would attend in an effort to find their mate. Any unmated female could go to the party in hopes of finding their mate.

Realistically, all women wanted their mate to be an alpha. They were not only stronger then most werewolf, but they were also guaranteed to be handsome. And when I mean handsome, I mean gorgeous. I planned to attend, even though I didn't have a fancy gown I would find something. If my mate was there, I could finally live a different life.

"w-what about it" my heart pounded against my chest rapidly. I had to attend, this was my dream.

The principal knew he struck a nerve, I could tell he didn't want to reprimand me but he had to. He sighed and puled slightly on his lapel. "You will still attend," I let out a sigh of relief. As long as I went I didn't care about anything else. You could put me in a trashcan but I would still be delighted to go.

"You must serve as a waiter rather than attend to find a mate. If you do find a mate in the process, you can leave." He finished his statement, and he leaned back into his leather swivel chair. I could tell he was contemplating how Zaya's father, the Beta, would respond to this punishment. It wasn't harsh compared to what the Alpha would order.

Before he could change his mind, I shot up from my seat nodded my head and left.Even though I couldn't attend traditionally, I could still go to the banquet.

And thats all that my heart could desire.

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