Part 25

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I stumbled across the grass field, blood dripping from my busted lip in the last round. 

5 round had past, now only a small fraction of the contestants remained. The last round, I was a against a Beta who knew how to deliver a bone crushing kick to the jaw- lucky for me I was able to lessen the damage but I still was torn up.

She was a great opponent, and we shared a mutual respect after the round- but I didn't have time to dwell on that any more. I approached the board and looked at the remaining contestants. The neon red lights flashed brightly against the slowly darkening sky.  I squinted slightly, desperately trying to clarify the jumble of words before me

Damien was against a big shot Alpha from who knows where- it was ultimately an exciting battle as many people who were eliminated had already begun making their way to watch. I knew Damien could hold himself, but the Alpha he was against was mighty and strong

Not to mention, his opposer liked to play dirty which meant snarky comments that would probably be directed at me to throw Damien off of his game. I frowned at the thought and shook my head slightly, trying to clear my mind

I searched for my name, about ten people remained in the matches- all of them great fighters

My eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets when I realized who I was against, Jonathan's name was written next to mine. I checked once, twice, three times until I was sure that it was true. 

I would face my old Alpha

It was surprising really, I would have never expected him to make it this far

I could tell he must have spent thousands on a trainer sense the last time I talked to him. Last year he got his ass whooped, which was extremely shameful for the entire pack. He was easily defeated and his position of authority was unquestionably at risk because of his weakness

The only thing that mattered to Jonathan was his power, and nothing could risk that to him- even if it meant learning to fight

I began walking toward the stadium, bustling viewers scurrying around and pointing at me, talking about my strength 

I was interrupted from my thoughts when a warm hand cupped my shoulder. I quickly whipped around, shocked to see my mate standing behind me with a big grin on his face

"Your really the talk of the town, you know" Damien goofily grinned and admired me with passion

I smiled and a blush made its way onto my cheeks. The way he looked at me- like I was the sun- it always had me flustered 

No man has looked at me with such pure emotion before, and even in the midst of battle it managed to get me giddy like a puppy

"Your not doing too bad yourself" I smiled and welcomed Damiens warm embrace around me. I sniffed his intoxicating smell, a dark pine forest mixed with pure godlike spices 

"I was really worried, in one of my rounds I heard from an observer you were going against that Beta... I was afraid you would get hurt" He said as he nuzzled his head into my hair 

"Everyone thinks your a tough, big, bad Alpha but your really a love sick teddy bear" I teased and tilted my head up from Damiens chest to see his flustered face

He mocked pure shock and scoffed with a high pitch 

"I am not! I am fierce" Damien screeched and I helplessly giggled at his reaction. His eyes were playful and he purposefully strained his voice to sound as high pitch as he could muster. I began belly laughing at my mate while he continued to talk in the hilarious tone

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